My Prius tend to want to move/jump/jerk with the foot brake on. Is this normal when at a stop and the engine is running? Not sure how to better describe this.
I do have brake issues. Not sure but I think the rears are glazed. My brakes want to grab when slowing down to under 3 MPH. I thought it was the front brakes, but I'm sure it's the rear. I will be pulling my drums and swapping in a new water pump when the weather gets better. My post issue doesn't seem like it would be brake related. This seems more like transmission, or??? Just guessing at point. I don't pretend to be a mechanic.
rear brakes probably just need to be adjusted for the grabbing at 3mph. the jump/jerking? I'd have to see it. my '04 ice would sometimes cut on and off several times when I was sitting at a stop. never did figure that out.
how many miles on her? could be so many different things. you might need to see if any codes have been logged.
Are you new to a Prius? Because alot of times when the engine starts and stops it really bucks the car. If your new to it it can be quite disconcerting but its normal. You get used to it. 2005 so probably lots of miles. Start doing some maintenance to her and you'll find it. As far as your brakes just bend over and look at the front rotors condition. Given where you live there probably all glazed and corroded up and maybe even gouged. If so when you roll out first thing in the morning they will really complain, grab and scrape till the rotors are scrubbed of surface rust especially if the car is not garaged. Take a tire off and measure the thickness of the pads especially the inside pad. If original brakes its probably time to do the entire brake system. Way past time. $$$$$$
Oh and don't touch the brake system yourself till you read up on it. Search. Its very tricky and if not done correctly its you and your car on a flat bed to the dealer to fix it. Seen hundreds of those here.
If I read your history right, you just became a Prius owner six months ago. Is that correct? Are you aware that when slowing gently with regenerative braking, the regen kicks out and the car transitions to pure friction braking at 7 mph? I frequently felt this as a slight grab even on a new Prius. Could the 'grab' you feel be this transition, or is it separate? But at 130,000 miles, the brakes could easily be worn or rusty too.
Thanks for all the feedback. I have 135K and have not pulled the brakes yet to inspect them. As noted above I guess it's normal for the car to "buck" when the engine starts/stops. So it sounds like I can do the back brakes myself, but due to technology the fronts may have to be done by a pro.
Be careful in the back too. The only thing I let a dealer due to my car is clean & Adjust the back brake. It was only $59.