Can anyone direct me on how to safely without breaking remove the driver side AC Vent, I am trying to replace my in dash speakers and this is the first step. I have a good tool to slide into this, but when i pull i feel like something is going to break. Any tricks tips. I read that a Gen 2 you should pull from the bottom of the vent and up at 45 degrees but nothing on a Gen 3. Thanks GTP
Pretty much pulls straight at you. I avoid any tools. Pull with fingertips. Less chance to scratch or chip anything. Panel below it with the light dimmer and mirror switches needs out first. Elektroingenieur made a nice wiki page on how you can get to the repair manual.
Here is a video that should help. Poster is disassembling entire dash, but he removes the right hand AC vent (left is the same way). Remove small top vent first (with fingers as Chap says), then the larger lower one. Scary, but it works.