I replaced my abs pump/actuator today (brand new part). It went in better than I expected. Here is the issue. The new part seemed to be working fine (not more constant pumping noise). I took the car for a drive and all seems well. Tonight I noticed brake fluid on the floor of the garage. Ya, I got that sick feeling! When I installed the actuator, I could not find any specs for torque. I've installed similar parts in the past so I tightened to what the old pump seemed to have. There was no cross threading when I hooked up the lines. Any suggestions would be helpful.
I see three likely possibilities. A fitting was not tightened, a line has a small crack, or it's just residual fluid from when you changed the unit. The most likely fitting not tightened would be the one threaded into the top. Out of sight, out of mind, and can easily be missed. A crack in a line would depend on how much you bent the lines to get the unit out. I go pretty slow on this job and loosen fittings as far back as needed to provide plenty of flex in the line to avoid 'bending'. It also makes it much easier to get the threads started again if the lines don't get bent. I use hose 'plier-type clamps' to squeeze the rubber brake lines to prevent any significant fluid from leaking at the actuator when removing. It's amazing how much cleaner the job is, just by using some clamps. Otherwise, quite a bit of fluid leaks down around the transaxle and onto the plastic shields under the car. Anything that collects down there will eventually find the ground. Has the reservoir level changed? If not, I would suspect #3.
Thank you so much for your reply. When I changed the unit, I took my time removing it. Also, I used zip ties to gently pull the metal hoses back and keep them out of the way when I removed and installed the new part. I also did this with the top line and the line to the master cylinder. When I removed the supply line from the reservoir, I did not use any hose clamp. I slid a bolt into the supply line and clamed it. There was fluid that leaked from that unit onto the frame etc. below. There was also fluid that leaked out of the old unit when I detached the lines. When I installed the new unit, I used a method a few guys said was helpful. I installed the lines on the face of the unit and left the top line detached. Then I filled the reservoir and after a while, fluid started draining out of the top of the module. I was told in the videos it makes the bleeding process easier. (?) The line on the top appears to be clean and dry. The other lines, I am unable to see because everything is back in place. What concerned me is, I drove the car for approximately 2 miles. Everything appeared to be clean and dry. I looked under that car about five house after I parked it into the garage and that is when I noticed brake fluid on the floor. There were two separate spots. I did get into the car (this is 12:30 am) started it and simulated using the brakes. I kept my foot on the brake and pumped it for maybe a minute. I then put a piece of cardboard under the car. This morning, I did not see any brake fluid on the cardboard. Maybe I should simply drive it for a few miles and do this test again. This was a big job but I watched many videos on it and took my time installing the unit. As we all know, the hardest part is getting that unit out and back in place. Thank you very much for taking the time to write to me. I just hope it is residual fluid. Rick
Well to put it in all out of perspective I guess when I did my generation too I bent the crap out of the lines carefully not squashing them so that almost no fluid would come out of them while they were sitting over there bent over then I removed the unit did all the business set the new unit which was a junkyard replacement and then carefully from the last line I removed started with that one bent them over carefully and attached threaded and tightened one by one and I put the umph on them when I tighten them down I also made sure that the flares were cleaned with a piece of paper towel one by one as I offered them up tighten them and went right up the line never a problem but I wasn't really easy with the lines I was trying to keep the fluid in the line so I undid them bent them over so that the majority of the fluid stayed in that circuit and did them all that way. The fluid I lost was mainly the fluid that was in the aluminum block I even had the reservoir clamped off so all I lost is what was in the tubing running to the aluminum block and what was in the block what was in the lines and in the reservoir stayed on top of the line motul fluid.
t is a difficult job mainly because of that dampening weight. If that wasn't there, the unit would come out easily. Thanks so much for the commentary. Everyone has a different experience when they do this job and I find the information very helpful. I took the car for a 12 mile ride today and put it back in the garage. I then put a piece of cardboard under the engine compartment. That was at 10:15 am. When I got home at 3:50 pm, I checked the cardboard and it was clean. I am hoping that TMR-JWAP is correct in his feeling that it may be residual brake fluid. I am still looking an concerned.....LOL Rick
FYI. I drove the car this morning for about 12 miles, put it in the garage with a piece of cardboard under it. Came home about 5 hours later and I did not see any brake fluid staining on the cardboard. I am hoping you are right. Rick
Yeah usually there's a lot of dripping and a lot of mess if one didn't block off the feed from the reservoir and bend the lines over somewhat so that what's in those curves in the lines isn't just running down and collecting on the tray below it or whatever is down there other parts of the car brake fluid is slippery in it likes to drip. So residual would be my gues too.
Good day, I just wanted to reach out to you and thank you for your comments and suggestions concerning the complaint I posted. You were 100% correct when you suggested the most likely cause of the brake fluid was residual brake fluid from the changing of the ABS part. The new ABS part is working perfectly and there is absolutely no leaking from the brake lines. I put a piece of cardboard under the car after each use and the cardboard has remained totally clean. Thanks again!