I voted "yes", it's your body, you do what you want, you're responsible for your religious beliefs, if any, you're the one that will have to live with your choice. Edit: Don't get me wrong though, it shouldn't be something taken lightly, and something that should be avoided in the first place, but ultimately, I believe the choice is hers to make whether alone, or in conjunction with the "donor".
And if abortion ever becomes illegal, anyone an PC can contact me. There's a medicine that's given for ulcers that will induce an abortion in about 8 hours. I personally don't do abortions, our clinic's policy, but keep your religion out of the womb!
MS, I wish you'd quit being such a wimp avoiding these hot button issues.. I give you credit bud, you sure go for the jugular. I voted yes, up to a point. At some point late in the 2nd or early in the 3rd trimester the fetus becomes potentially viable...we're getting to the point that a 23 week fetus could survive and 24 weeks is quite commonplace. I think it's darn hard to justify aborting at that point and probably even at some point before then. If a woman wants an abortion she needs to make that decision early, prior to any fetal awareness preferably, and be done with it. Clearly, in the case of maternal health termination should be an option.
Are we starting this one over?? Are you just in a mood today Squid?? First some regulation; *nothing after 3 months unless mom's life is in danger *not as a repetitive form of birth control, let Planned Parenthood do their thing * Educate the woman in all her CHOICES! I do not believe that the "sperm donor" has a say. That was a very minimal participation in this whole process, you can do it again without having any effect on your body/health. The woman bears the full brunt of pregnancy and having been there myself I firmly believe that it is her choice, no one else's.
I refine my position, after reading what Evan and Salsawonder wrote... Yes, up to a certain point sounds best, seems terrible (and wrong) to have an abortion after something like 8 months (yeech).
I don't fully agree with that. What if the donor, and donee, were hell bent on having kids, then suddenly, she changes her mind because of "cold feet", or something amongst those lines (think crazy chicks with big eyes)... I think participation is precisely 50/50 at conception. From there onwards it becomes 99:1...
:lol: I HATE it when politicians side-step such issues. Make a damn stand. It's ok to refine/adjust/whatever later on, but give us a definite idea: Yes, No, not sure, Yes from this standpoint, no from that standpoint, etc...
I am more than willing to admit that a woman is quite capable of using pregnancy, sex, etc. to manipulate any situation, just as guys will use promises of one thing or another , including the desire to have kids to manipulate women. That is why "Educate" is in there. I believe that no one should just have abortion on demand, education and counseling should be available. But, as I am sure you are well aware Squid, people don't always do what they should.
Women's body, Women's choice, anytime, anywhere, any situation. This is an extremely personal and private decision that should not be up for public debate, unless of course we regulate men's sexuality. . . imagine that!!!
I voted YES, but I too realize that I should've chosen 'to a point'. There should be a cutoff when the woman is a certain number of weeks or months along, like Evan mentioned, after which the fetus would be able to survive. I'm all for pro-choice and keeping religion out of it.
if you're religious, don't have an abortion. however, not everyone is. let people make their own choices. however, the one moral objection i have here is once the fetus is viable outside the womb. that i don't agree with. at that point... why? so i think there should be restrictions to prevent this. wait another month or 2 and give the baby away for adoption. there are tons of adoptive parents-to-be waiting for a child.
I'm just about pro-choice in every sense of the word. People should be able to do whatever they want to their bodies. That being said one must act responsibly and be ready to face the consequences. Abortion is extremely vital in a modern society. If it is deemed illegal, it will only make the procedure more unsafe and possibly deadly to thos who udergo it. There are so many reasons for one to get an abortion but it's certainly not something that anyone should go through without completely thinking it over.
You can not legislate morality. It can not be done. If everyone does not agree on a moral principal you can not shove it down their throats. Abortion is now so simple so easy you will never make it go away. You may not like that but it is none the less true. Until you are ready to stand at the bed side of a desperate beautiful 20 year old poor young woman and watch her die of septic shock from a illegal abortion. Shut up. I have been there done that and I am here to tell you it is not fun. The rich will get there abortions even if it is on a fully equipped 747 that flies over international waters, while the poor take their chances. You can not change human nature. Wishing it so does not make it so, wanting it so does not make it so. You need to change peoples minds. BTW I do not do abortions but I will not judge others. They have to make peace with their own God. To quote Robert Heinlein "What if Mumbo Jumbo is the God after all". I would prefer not to judge other beliefs, and I know I can not legislate them. I fell better.
I don't disagree with any of this--I have simply never understood why we have chosen as a society to even try to legislate this. What right do we have to impose our religious and moral preferences on others--excuse me, women. What greater purpose does this serve?
Yes. Up to a point. I think 12 weeks is reasonable. After that, it would depend on the circumstances. I think it is between a woman and her doctor to make a final decision.
Nope, can't say that. Who's going to judge the morality of one individual's circumstances over another's? There are even big holes in my suggested limits....Today a 24 week fetus can survive. But that was unheard of 10 years ago. In the next few years 23 weeker's might be living...so where do we set the cut point?
While a 24 weeker can survive, they don't survive well. If a woman decided to terminate a pregnancy at 24 weeks by induction of labor, there's a good chance that baby will be born with severe lung problems, cerebral palsey & retardation. Things that would improve significantly if taking it 4 weeks later to 28 weeks. So if a 22 week pregnant woman wanted an abortion, telling her to wait 2 more weeks to deliver a live born baby is not(to me) a reasonable alternative. How about we give easier access to contraceptives and talk about condoms and sexuality? And make Plan B OTC since it is an anti-ovulation drug, not an abortifacient.
It is unfair to make a blanket statement that the "sperm donor" has no say. How about a HUSBAND!!!!!!! Abortions should ONLY be for the physical health of the mother. That is my opinion, which I have a right to have, and no one will change my mind.