A slew of mod questions for you: sound deadening, HIDs, speakers, and more!

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by aterfy27, Jul 31, 2018.

  1. aterfy27

    aterfy27 New Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    2013 Prius
    Hello all!
    So...I have a handful of questions, and I thought it best to not bog down the forum with half a dozen different threads about all of them.
    Feel free to answer any or all...thanks in advance!!

    1. I've been working on applying sound deadening material to my doors. I've been pleased with the results so far, but think I could stand to see more improvement. The issue I'm running into right now is the vapor barrier: it's my understanding that the whole point of sound deadening material is to put it directly on the sheet metal of the door to reduce vibrations. Obviously, with the vapor barrier in place and stretched over the door, the sound deadener can't be directly applied to most of the metal. So: remove the vapor barrier, put down the sound deadener and good to go? Or remove it, apply sound deadener, reapply vapor barrier? Not sure what the best way to tackle that is.

    2. Quick question here. Been looking at getting HIDs for my low beams. I have read some threads here where many say that standard H11 HID bulbs will cause ground shadows and that the solution is to use "H11B" bulbs. At the same time...I've also seen some threads about the Xenon Depot kits and from what I've read people haven't had the ground shadow issue with their HID kits. However - the Xenon Depot kits for 3rd gen Prius come with the regular H11 bulb stock but you can also get a generic H11B kit elsewhere on the site (not specified for Prius). Would I still want the H11b kit here? Further, with the XenonDepot kits, have you guys bought the additional relay harness, or going without? Right now they're having a 20% off sale, so without the relay harness it'd only be like $85 (about 105 with). Otherwise I was just looking at Morimotos. Preference between the two? (okay, sorry, that wasn't so quick :D)

    3. I have a Prius 2 ('13) without Nav/JBL or any of that. It does have the stock touchscreen HU though. I feel the stereo is a LITTLE bit quiet. I'm hoping sealing the doors up well (#1) will help this out, but if it doesn't....is there any benefit to upgrading the speakers WITHOUT changing the headunit or adding an amplifier?

    4. So I've swapped all my interior lights, reverse lights, and parking lights to LEDs. I'm thinking about swapping my turn signals for LED as well. I know I need to swap the flasher relay for this. From what I can tell, it looks like the front turn signals take a bit more work to do than the rear signals. Would there be any problems if I put the new flasher relay in and swapped the tails to LED but left the stock bulbs in the front for a short period of time?

    5. Kind of random one here. I've seen a couple of people who have installed LED lights in the hatch - they replace the plastic covers that allow access to the license plate bulbs - and seem to have some sort of harness that splices into the plug for the license plate bulbs. The only place I've been able to find these is on eBay for like $200 or on Rakuten for around $50. I like the idea of these but not for $50 and DEFINITELY not for $200 or whatever it is. Hahaha. Anyone familiar with these pieces and know where to find them for cheaper?

    OK! I think that's all for now...
  2. Starbrand

    Starbrand Senior Member

    Dec 17, 2014
    Westmont, IL
    2015 Prius
    glad to see another fellow Illinois member here! we are needles in a haystack nowadays... used to be 3 of us. Just me now. :ROFLMAO: let me know if you wanna do a small meetup sometime! from Westmont, IL

    1. vapor barrier is garbage. throw it away, and sound deaden to your hearts content.

    2. the only way to fix the shadow issue and get nice cutoff lines is to retrofit new projectors to accommodate the HIDs.

    3. changing speakers shouldnt be an issue. will need a speaker adapter for the door inserts.

    4. shouldnt be an issue to change orange turning signal markers to LED, you have to remove the headlight to get to its socket though. no change in flasher relay needed. unless im misunderstanding what you wanna do.

    5. got mine for around $50 on ebay. but was long ago.
    James Powers and kenoarto like this.
  3. James Powers

    James Powers Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2017
    Bay Area
    2014 Prius
    I agree with all of this but the speaker one. You can change your speakers but wont get that great of sound out of it. You'd be better off upgrading your HU. If you upgrade the door/dash speakers, to get them louder, a new HU will help but you'll want to put an amp to them. LOL you might be opening up a can of warms on this one. But in my opinion, I'd start with the HU... The OEM one sucks and you are really limited to only treble, mid and bass 'customization'. At least with a new HU, you can play around with frequencies to get a better sound.

    I had that same OEM HU in mine and so far, I've only replaced the HU but the OEM speakers came alive. Though I will be pulling those eventually as well.. Its sufficient for my non-audiophile ears that just likes loud music. Also added a powered JL sub for more bass.

    aterfy27 likes this.
  4. Nopho4u

    Nopho4u Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2016
    Socal son
    2015 Prius
    I'm just here to say the oem hu is the biggest pile of dog shit on earth
  5. James Powers

    James Powers Senior Member

    Sep 11, 2017
    Bay Area
    2014 Prius
    Could not agree more. :LOL:
    Burna J and TheChip like this.
  6. aterfy27

    aterfy27 New Member

    Jul 17, 2018
    2013 Prius
    I guess I'll have to work on replacing that then. Haha. I went ahead and bought some speakers as I could afford them now (and figured I might as well do them while I'm doing the sound deadening and only have to pry the doors apart once!) but was definitely planning on getting a new headunit at some point in the future.

    With that in mind: would you get a new HU first or an amp? Both at same time or what?

    One more quick thing.

    Give it to me straight. How tricky is it to replace the flasher relay? I've heard some people say it's no biggie, others say you've got to be an amateur contortionist to make it work. I'm closer to NFL lineman size so....I wanna do the swap, but I'm a little nervous about that part ha.
  7. Nopho4u

    Nopho4u Senior Member

    Aug 25, 2016
    Socal son
    2015 Prius
    My last comment will answer the last question u had as well