This could possibly be the longest and worst post ever but , what if we wrote a novel. Three lines max per post? It won't hurt my feelings if this gets the ax. Here we go: Steve knew he should never have opened that door. Now it was too late. He was just going to have to deal with what was on the other side.
No. Not this time. She'll let him off with a stern warning. Besides, the space behind the fake wall in the basement, the area it took her almost two years to carve out, was starting in fill up with disrespectful boyfriends of her past.
But to her dismay, Steve had to utter the exact words that would dig deep into her very core. Marisa could not believe Steve had the stupidity to try it. Even after being late for the fourth time this week, Steve asks "Where's my dinner?!"
Without being able to restrain herself, she released her killer gerbil, Gretchin. "You are dinner," she told Steve, and issued the command that had ended so many other lives. "Kill!"
Fortunately for Steve he was still wearing the neckbrace from his accident. It was thick and had a hard outer shell that the gerbil just couldn't bite through. Steve was able to get a grip on the gerbil and throw it out the kitchen window where "Puddin" their 20 lb cat awaited.
What happened next was beyond imagining - a horrific scene of blood, fur, and disgust. Marisa’s sobs came in a violent wave of unchecked emotion. Stunned by what he’d witnessed, Steve cradled Marissa in his arms and wondered silently what the next few moments would bring.
What it brought was a knock at the front door. "Who is it?" asked Steve. "Candygram," came the muffled reply.
Steve and Marisa looked at each other in disbelief. Who would be sending them a Candygram, especially after the last time? And more importantly... just who knew their special code word?
Still reeling from what had just happened, Steve tried to hold Marisa back. Her head told her to listen to Steve but her sugar addiction was just too strong. Her mind was racing as she drug her feet across the floor; she knew there was a chance that her worst fear could be on the other side of that door.
Who else could it be besides the old and retired "Bozo the Clown!" in his "fun time van". Steve gasps "Wth is that thing!" as Bozo chuckels "lets just call it..."The Lure" for all those little fish in the sea"
"I hate it when you talk in letters!" yelled Marisa slapping his arm. "Life is not one big giant text message; of course you would have to get your head out of your Blackberry every now and then to know that!" she screamed. Bozo was thrown and started to change his plans that were rolling around inside his bright orange ringed head.
Editor's note: Just what drug did Marisa leave on the floor? Or did she drag her feet over the floor? ok, carry on ...
"Look what Puddin drugged in", said Bozo, buying some time before embarking on his new plan. "Looks like he sanked his teeth into this here gerbil." Marisa cringed, as the only thing more annoying than tardy men to her was a person who used English badly.
Staring at her morphine soaked feet, Marisa wondered if she could hold it together and not yell at Bozo. "That there feline is quite a little hunter." Bozo added. "IT'S DRAGGED NOT DRUGGED YOU CLOWN !" Marisa screamed as she wildly looked around the room for a place to rest her eyes.
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Steve looked around the room and just stared. He looked at Bozo, he watched Puddin slowly walk over to Marisa and start licking her feet and he looked at Marisa holding their new cutlery. "What does it all mean?" he wondered.