I found this news article. Are we going to far in the search for alternative fuels? FOXNews.com - California Surgeon Used Human Fat to Power Car - Health News | Current Health News | Medical News
This brings a new meaning of 'To Eat Your Way Across The Country'. Imagine the fun of eating biscuits and gravy for every meal then getting a 'scraping out' every evening for the next day's ride. The fatter you are the further you go!
Fat is indeed fuel, but not for your car. Less food, more exercise. I don't know about the alternative fuel search, but I'm sure we've gone way too far in avoiding anything resembling physical labour. Too bad sweat isn't fashionable.
Okay, but is he compensating his patients for the fat that he is taking out of them and using to fuel his car?
fat is fat, but at the same time... there are other places to get it that are far less controversial (and unpleasant to deal with.)
Considering how "supersized" we as a nation have become, no sense letting it go to waste I suppose I'd need the permission of the fatty before I tried chopping the fat out? That kind of takes some of the fun out of it