A Little Bit Paranoia, A Little Excitement...Those Pink SOC Bars

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by DenToyPri05, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. DenToyPri05

    DenToyPri05 Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2015
    Denver, Co
    2005 Prius
    After a few months taking care of the blue egg, I'm ready to hit the road to California. Luckily the route I'm planning hasn't had snow dumped on it in a couple of weeks and the temps have been nice and steady in the 40-70 F range.

    New 12v, 120K service included new spark plugs, cabin and engine filters checked/changed, oil change. Got the HV battery assessed since it was rejuiced. Doing well; no charge lost. Blocking grill on cold (~40F) mornings, and removing foam before the drive home. New LRR tires. I'm creating a sleep area in the back (so glad I picked a Prius with privacy tint). I'll probably use bins between first and second row of seats to extend surface area for...not enough time to customize my dream build.

    So, just wanted to quadruple check this forum and ask, via this post, anyone who hasn't responded to this topic yet...

    At what point in your long-distance drives did the two pink bars prove to be a pre-cursor to an event that needed immediate attention?

    On these long road trips, with or without cruise control, climbing hills, I will likely see the SOC go down to two pink bars a few times, but they will turn around after cresting hills and/or decreasing acceleration demand, and this seems normal. Even on my regular commute depending on what mood is operating the gas pedal, plus road conditions and traffic flow, I sometimes drop to two pink bars that quickly turn around into the blue range when I exit the highway, usually a descending off-ramp.

    In my paranoia, I've mapped out Toyota dealerships along the way and a couple of hybrid specialty shops. This forum is set in my browser favorites on my phone, too.
    #1 DenToyPri05, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  2. JimN

    JimN Let the games begin!

    Nov 26, 2006
    South Jersey
    2010 Prius
    I'd worry about rapid fluctuation between fully charged and fully discharged. Knowing where you can (and can't) get help is good. You described normal behavior. Sounds like you are prepared so relax & enjoy the trip.
  3. The Electric Me

    The Electric Me Go Speed Go!

    May 22, 2009
    Undisclosed Location
    Other Non-Hybrid
    My understanding is that the gauge you are obsessing about isn't a 100% fully representative reality.
    It's designed to display "The Middle Way".

    In other words, when it displays fully charged, it's not really fully charged, and when it displays near empty...it's not really that empty. The Prius is designed to keep the battery as much as possible in the middle not fully discharged, not fully charged.

    So really? I'd trust the software and some common sense. Being down to the last two pink bars on the charge gauge, is really a precursor to nothing more than the expectation that your Prius will start working to charge it's battery back up. As the driver I think you can use some common sense in driving application given you know the route and upcoming inclines and descents, in other words trying to hit inclines with your battery as charged as possible.

    You sound well prepared, in fact, more prepared than most. If your battery is going to fail, or really almost anything is going to fail at any given time? Most of the time you just have to deal with it as it happens. I think you've prepared for the worst, now go and enjoy the trip.
  4. Dino33ca

    Dino33ca Member

    Apr 2, 2013
    British Columbia
    2004 Prius
    What do you mean that your hybrid battery was 'rejuiced'? I remember the first few months of owning my Pri... always worrying about the performance of those darn bars! Know I hardly even look at them! Just make sure you clean out the battery fan. Sometimes it can get clogged and it won't be able to cool your hv battery efficiently. Maybe the previous owners had pets, or they've never had it cleaned. It's a diy job or you can pay a mechanic about a hundred bucks to do it for you. It should cleaned every few years at least depending if you have pets or are living in a dusty environment....

    Luscious Garage | Blog | Prius battery cooling fan cleaning, P0A82
    #4 Dino33ca, Mar 18, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2015
  5. DenToyPri05

    DenToyPri05 Junior Member

    Jan 2, 2015
    Denver, Co
    2005 Prius
    When the 12v failed, I started reading up on that and the HV and read about rejuicing/deep cycling the HV or buying a brand new one. I also read up on the grid chargers, which sounds like a smart investment if the Prius isn't driven everyday or enough everyday. My educated guess and observations after installing a new 12v (not yellow top) was that I should at the very least get the HV assessed. If it was still healthy enough to get deep cycled, then I would try that. If it was beyond consideration, I was going to get a new HV from Toyota, seek financial assistance, and move on.

    It was a good candidate for deep cycling, so I stuck with that course.

    In this process I slotted time aside for getting to (and cleaning if needed) the battery fan behind the back row.

    I remember tell-tale signs of a pet hair when I purchased the car (animal hair in the back/base of seats and in the carpet between the seats and doors...not a lot, but it was there), so I expected a hairballs in the fan, but it was spotless! Yay. It was a project to get to the fan, but worth it.

    I live where it's dry, but I don't have pets. I will still check it next year at about this time.

    I'm still fascinated by the instant feedback of my driving habits...still glued to that consumption screen.
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