here is a link sent to me by one of my many SUV driving associates on a GW quiz... interesting reading...a bit one sided.
Yeah, a bit. The most effective lies incorporate incomplete truths. Earth's orbital cycles should be putting it close to a new ice age; instead the Earth is warming because of man-made CO2. Water vapor *is* the most important greenhouse gas, but it is self limiting: when the concentration rises a little more than normal, the water rains back out. In contrast there is no self-limit to the amount of CO2 that can be added to the air. The CO2 we're adding remains in the air for centuries, on average. And oh by the way, when a little added CO2 makes the temperature go up, the warmer air can hold more water vapor, which greatly amplifies the greenhouse effect of the incremental CO2. It's a good thing that your SUV associate's opinion is in the shrinking minority and will not significantly influence future policy. For discussion of the facts of global warming by climatologists and atmospheric physicists see RealClimate
That was fun. The question about how much CO2 is in the atmosphere made it clear what audience was being targeted....those that know nothing about atmospheric science.
That quiz gets a failing grade...from itself. It presents well-documented fallicies as though they were facts. My favorite: The Oregon Petition Several environmental groups questioned dozens of the names: "Perry S. Mason" (the fictitious lawyer?), "Michael J. Fox" (the actor?), "Robert C. Byrd" (the senator?), "John C. Grisham" (the lawyer-author?). And then there's the Spice Girl, a k a. Geraldine Halliwell: The petition listed "Dr. Geri Halliwell" and "Dr. Halliwell." ... Scientific American took a sample of 30 of the 1,400 signatories claiming to hold a Ph.D. in a climate-related science. Of the 26 we were able to identify in various databases, 11 said they still agreed with the petition —- one was an active climate researcher, two others had relevant expertise, and eight signed based on an informal evaluation. Six said they would not sign the petition today, three did not remember any such petition, one had died, and five did not answer repeated messages. See also: Oregon Institute of Science and Malarkey