I was able to exchange my old MFD that went out with a new refurbished one through Toyota. However, everything works fine but except my ac: 1. The temperature for the outside is wrong on the screen. It is way off, it reads 65 degrees when it is really 50 degrees... 2. I turn the AC to the coldest, but it blows warm air... Do i need to get my AC recharge? Thanks
Hmm, I wonder whether the dealer installed the MFD incorrectly. Give them a chance to find and correct the problem. (Are you sure you're looking at the MFD when it is displaying the outside temp and not the cabin temp set point?) As for the A/C, first you need to find and fix the underlying problem. It is not necessarily a loss of coolant; if it is loss of coolant the leak needs to be fixed first, otherwise a recharge is just a waste of money.
saelee39, Your profile tells us nothing about your car or where you live, so it is difficult to form a good idea of the situation. If you have grille-blocking on your car for the cold winter months, the temperature displayed will surely be warmer than the actual outside air temperature. I agree with the previous poster that you may be low on ac coolant, but really we need more info.
While you might be low on A/C coolant, you should also make sure that the temperature inside the car is warmer than the temperature you are attempting to achieve. Or that you have it set to "MAX COLD." The Prius is smart enough to know that if it's 50ºF outside and the A/C is set to 65ºF (the lowest AUTO setting) it should blow warm air to achieve the desired set point. The only time you will get cold air from the A/C is when the car is attempting to chill the cabin. Remember: A/C does not mean "cold." A/C mean "air conditioning" whether warming or cooling is involved.