cat dials 911 and saves owner's life. Who says that cats can't be trained? :lol:
the fact that the University of Michigan has banned Coke products from its campuses because of the way Coca Cola treats its employees in Columbia and India i find to be much more interesting than a cat story
now that we've latched their fun little noisy closet door, our cats will never call 911 if we need help. cats hold grudges for EVER.
Curious. Leonardo never held grudges. He was both resiliant and forgiving. But the idea of him dialling 911 in response to an emergency is about as credible as the idea of him picking the garden peas, shelling them, and steaming them for my lunch.
i've come to the conclusion that each of our cats are 1/4 demon. that explanation offers resolution to all the strange things we've wondered about all these years. you know, "cat attacks" where they're chased by things you can't see... all the strange places they manage to get themselves in... the magnetic attraction to trouble and anything shiny that is supposed to be left alone... the extreme contortionism... our older cat is also very resilient and forgiving of most things. but he won't tolerate some things and we have friends who he will pointedly ignore because they pissed him off. our younger one is much more skittish. you freak him out and you won't see him for hours. hides under the bed when unfamiliar voices are nearby, even if he sees someone walking outside the house from a 2nd story window. both 1/4 demon. that's my best guess.
Well, FoxNews carried this story this morning and they actually interviewed the cat's owner via telephone. He said that he'd been training the cat to dial 911. He had it speed-dialed so the cat had to hit the speaker phone button then the 911 speed dial button. Though it's a bit of a stretch to believe that the cat, with its little pea brain, dialed 911 with thought behind the action, it's possible that it may have had some semblence of memory of its training and did it in an almost reflex action sort of way. if you had a million cats next to a million telephones, maybe one would dial 911 successfully. What are the odds, how many millions or hundreds of millions to one, that someone will pick all of the numbers to win the mega millions jackpot? And yet, one person manages to do it now and then, eh?
I guess if you somehow dispensed tuna fish when the cat dialled 911, I could see training working then. However, this leads to either a lot of bogus 911 calls... or the cat pushing you down the stairs, and then calling for help.
Heh, that's pretty funny. But, are you saying that a lot of bogus 911 calls aren't made? And, that a cat would be smart enough to premeditate waiting for just the right moment to push you down the stairs but not smart enough to realize that it would be a lot easier to just diall 911 to get the tuna?
So this guy SAYS his cat dialled 911. And Fox news believes him. Or figures it's a good enough "human interest" story to put the guy on tv. The guy gets to be on tv gets his 15 minutes of fame. And there's absolutely no evidence but his claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I believe a cat could be trained to dial 911. Hey, they can be trained to jump through hoops. What I do NOT believe is that a cat could be trained to dial 911 specifically in response to an emergency. In real life, once the cat knew how to dial 911 he'd be doing it constantly until he got bored with the game.
i dont know - i think it would be fairly easy to train a cat to do something (such as dial 911) in response to a condition like their owner falling to the ground. i do think that you'd have a problem with the false alarms - my cats do the tricks i've taught them whether i'm around or not. i had my cats toilet trained in college - i firmly believe there isn't much you can't teach a cat to do, except teach them that they CANT do something just because they feel like it
That makes them...THE SAME AS US! Where's the evolution/ID thread? :slinks off, tail flicking: Edit: this was intended to be in response to galaxee's post saying cats are 1/4 demon.