Very good suggestions there. One other that I didn't see and might have missed this late at night, is to plan your trip using as many right turns as possible. (If your location allows right turn on red lights it does help some in cars that actually idle at traffic signals.)
Other suggestions include walking and riding a bike instead of using your car... it's a sure way to save some some bucks!
34. Drop the rest of the dead weight. Get rid of all extra tires, back seats, unnecessary heavy parts. Extra weight reduces mileage, especially when driving up inclines. Does anyone really carry EXTRA tires, or do they want you to remove the spare? What about the back seat? Anyone remove the back seat from their Prius in order to save on weight? ... Brad
getting anyone to believe #7 (lowest octane) and #12 (gas is all the same) will be a tough one. probably more than a dozen posts on either subject with people swearing up and down that their mileage went up 5 mpg because they switched to brand X gas...
best way I have seen to save gas is *not* to buy it! and the best way to not buy so much of it is to drive a Prii!