I have been using the pre-paid maintenance and I am about to use the last coupon for the 55K service. What have others done after they have used up the pre-paid maintenance? Is there Toyota pre-paid maintenance for beyond 55K miles? I also have the extended warranty, if that makes a difference. I have an 06 Prius package 8. Thanks Dave
You're going to have to start paying for the services at the time of the service. My advice is to look at the maintenance schedule and do only what is recommended. If you ask for the dealer's "60k service", you'll get a lot of extra (read: costly) services. Take a look at the "What services you need and what you don't" thread. As far as the extended warranty, that doesn't really matter for routine maintenance.
Congratulations! You are about to stop paying too much for services you didn't need. Do what Skwyre7 wrote.
I paid $590 for 11 pre-paid maintenance services. They amounted to oil and oil filter changes, tire rotations, and an air filter change. I thought this was cheaper than paying for individual service. That works out to be $54 per service. How much are 5K interval oil and filter changes at the dealer without the pre-paid maintenance? Thanks Dave
In the 6th largest US metro area I've been paying a dealer $18 for 5K services when I supply the oil.
Hi Richard, Thanks for the tip. What kind of oil do you use and how many quarts do you supply? I presume $18 includes the oil filter change as well. Do you supply the oil filter as well? Thanks Dave
For $18.00, that is a great deal considering the labor charge nowadays. For me, it only cost me $12.00 dollars (oil and oil filter).