Lies, I am taxi driver from Greece and gen 3 want every 150000km new hybrid battery many problems with egr vibrations and ugly start up noise,very expensive parts.Mfd stop lights 1900 euro, etc.All this not only to me but all taxi gen3 prius in my city!!
not your fathers oldmobile.of course, we have no way of knowing if it's true, but i don't doubt a number of pro will go many hundreds of thousands of miles with just regular maintenance. probably true for most cars.
I quit taxiing before 80k miles so can't say if the HV battery was bad or not, though it was showing signs of wear - cycling high to low much more often than it did before - though this is just subjective. I did have expensive problems with the EGR valve at about 75k miles where the car seems to misfire and the transition from electric to engine was far from smooth. I put that down to millions of start stop engine cycles the Prius would have in a compact European city. Still, the Prius is much lower for emissions than a diesel and thats a diesel running as it should and not bypassing it's emission equipment.
First, I would guess that Austria is cooler than Greece. Second, he's driving a Gen2 which seems to handle taxi service better than the Gen3 based on anecdotal evidence. Over here we have a better chance of the car being totaled in a collision than we do of getting 435000 miles out of it.
The Gen 2 ?!? Looks like Gen 3 on the interior shot and Gen 2 outside shot. Gen 3 on far approach shot. That does not give me much confidence in the video if they are doing this.