So.. yesterday teh (!) light came on. I've only had this car like 6 weeks. I checked to make sure all the doors are secure and the parking break isn't on. Anyone else know what this could mean? I can't get into the dealer until monday to have it looked at and I don't want to hork up the car by driving it if this is bad! thanks for your input!
I would guess it is a low tire pressure warning. Guessing since my 05 doesn't have that feature. It should be easy to find in your manual.
Check your gas cap. If it isn't tight the car will get upset. It will take several power on/off cycles to reset the light. The TPMS will turn on a different light.
Yup, check your tire pressure. There are tire pressure monitoring sensors in each rim that report back to the car.
here's a summary of how the tpms works- included in the first post is what to do when the light comes on. hope this helps.