I brought Elroy home on the 6th of march, SUPRISE! We didn't plan on it, just a little shopping, worked a deal we couldn't walk away from!!! Anyways.... My first tank was 39.8 mpg (freezing outside) 2nd tank was 46.5 mpg (cold outside) and now, to my shock, 55.3 mpg on the first 100 miles of 3rd tank (40-60degree range) (highway/city combo driving) We changed the tire pressure, I keep the A/C off, and drive conservatively, not slow. Try to pulse and glide a little, I am just stunned at Elroy's performance! I just had to share my excitement! I know my 55 will reduce with the rest of my tank of gas, but the steady increase is really making driving fun!
Great progress on your MPG halleyscomet. Keep it up - perhaps 60 MPG is in the cards with warmer weather. Congrats on your new car and enjoy, Gabe
Remember to turn the A/C on in hot weather. The electrical system depends upon cabin air for cooling; letting the cabin get hot will allow the electronics to get hot, and the drive system battery will be less efficient than it should be and thus decrease MPGs.