Boch Toyota South in Massachussetts has an advertised special for a Prius pkg. IV with nav. Is this a good deal? #1 Toyota Dealer in new Toyota sales in the RI Market|BuyaToyota|Boch
It would certainly be a good deal in my area. It's interesting they only advertise the Prius IV though. Maybe those aren't selling as well as other models.
Note the fine print: Every package IV *with* MSRP of $26,750. It's very easy for a dealer to have only one of those, but lots of other IVs at a slightly different MSRP
100% correct - this is a marketing pitch just to get you in the door. I bet you if you go there the salesman will tell you it just sold and they only had one BUT let me show you our other Prius's.
After looking at the AD the MSRP is $29,750. I would assume if it could be had it would be a good deal for sure.... Can the deal be had?? Never hurts to try...but be aware they may tell you, they sold the one @ $29,750 but we have this one available???
I don't think there's a $3,500 spread between MSRP and dealer cost on that car (you could check to confirm), so I call B.S.
My daughter bought a new Honda Accord from BOCH Honda right next door 18 months ago......... She got screwed by them.
Could it be that the list price they show is for cars that landed before the price rise and extra features? Could it be that they are demonstrator vehicles?
I notice in the ad, they aren't showing any VIN numbers. In Oregon, in an ad they need to reveal VIN #'s for specific vehicles. That way you can tell if they are talking about 1, 2, 10-20 available... The only thing the ad say's is $3,500 off and a specific MSRP. So that makes me think it's just an advertising loss leader. They might of had, or have 1 at that exact MSRP. I'm just speculating but my guess would be you show up and Darn if that vehicle wasn't just sold...but they could make you a great deal on another. I hate to be so distrusting of Dealerships but overall they've earned it.
If it's close enough by, it's worth a drive over to see what song and dance you get. I wouldn't be surprised to find that car has been sold, but wait, have we got a deal for you (ok, so its not as good a deal). With apologies to Sesame Street, I don't think highly of Ernie and Bert (aka Herb C)
It could be a dealer demo model sold as new. They could have meant MSRP of all the accessories. Remote entry, carpet treatment, stuff stuff and stuff. There is a lot of wiggle room.
When I bought my car in Feb 2007, there was an ad in the paper for $3500 off of MSRP on a package #6 - with four cars vin # listed in the ad. That day only. I had already decided that I wanted leather seats (package #6). So I went to the dealer. I already knew these guys were sharks (we bought my GF's Avalon there), so I was prepared to walk out if I didn't get the deal I wanted. I asked the salesguy to show me one of the cars in the ad. He said of course, led me around the lot, the overflow lot down the street, another overflow lot further down the street, etc. At one point I asked him if I could look at one of the cars in the overflow lot (it was a package #6, which I confirmed by reading the sticker). He finally drove me back to the showroom, conferred with the "manager" (yeah, sure pal) and then informed me that they had already sold all the cars in the ad. Me: That car in the other lot was the exactly the same as the ones in the ad, right? Him: Yes. Me: I will buy the car on the other lot for the ad price. Him: Oh no, we can't do that. Me: Ok, see you later. Him: Wait, don't go! Anyway, we settled on $3000 under MSRP ($ 500 above ad price). I still felt this was a good deal. They claimed that they could only sell the 4 cars listed because they got an ad allowance from Toyota to offset the discount. Again, they are sharks but I knew this going in. So, I would say $3500 is not necessarily too good to be true, but be prepared for bait and switch and be prepared to walk away if you don't get what you want.