All my doors (except rear driver side door) won't lock/unlock with the key fob AND won't lock/unlock by pressing the luck/unlock button on the driver's door. The rear driver door works as designed! What a strange problem. When I press lock/unlock, I hear a clicking sound under the steering wheel, but 3 out of 4 doors don't respond. What could this be?
GASP. What a novel suggestion. If that is OK, then it's likely that you have 3 door lock solenoids that have failed. VERY common failure. I think they are usually called "actuators". Alas, if Toyota fixes it, the cost is outrageously high.
Seems like it's the motor on the actuator that goes bad. This guy just cleaned the brush contacts and it fixed it. . That may be a cheaper solution. Each actuator is around $50 third party.
Had similar happen to me first the drivers side then like a year later the passengers side. I think they were like $300+ each for the whole assembly that the dealer replaces, but luckily was still under warranty for both.
PLUS another $300 or so in labor.....for a total of about $600 each.....IIRC. I had a similar situation but my second one was out of warranty so I traded it in.