49.0 MPG! I'm happy. 95% highway driving at 70-75MPH. Weather here has been in the mid to high 30's AM to 60's afternoon/early evening. AND, we've had some serious winds for a few of those days. Tires WERE @ 35psi front and 33.5 rear. Caught me by surprise. Inflated to 40 front and 38 rear this morning. We'll see how the 3rd tank MPG does. Over 1,300 miles I've got in 10 days. Sure would like to get into the low 50's MPG....not alone there am I ?!?! Aaron
Nope. You'll get better with the improving seasons. You probably have the heat on in the morning, right? Also, I don't know if they use the winter gas in NM, but you will see a change if you go onto summer gas. Finally, if you really want to see an improvement in mileage, you can slow down. If you go 55 mph, you can probably improve your mileage by about 5 MPG. . . not saying that I ever go 55
Yeah, solo mostly for sure. No heater in the AM for me, I'm hot blooded enough as it is ("check it and see..", couldn't resist) I don't know about "winterized" gas here...hmmm, something to ask about. We get pretty hot around here so I can't wait to see MPG then. Funny thing though, it seemed like my other cars had worse MPG when it's hot. But then again, this ain't no "other car" huh? On the 55MPH part....that should get me a few more MPG's for the buck. Time is money for me and I will have to look at the cost/benefit (how many minutes longer commute vs. time/money thing) ....this equals "I'd like to drive around like a bad out of hell with my hair on fire and get 50+ MPG". LOL :lol: What is "Prius Zen"? Thanks, Aaron