2018 Seeking Device to Charge Recondition Modules! MRC Superbrain 989 vs ?what devices or updated methods? Id like a MRC superbrain 989 (used and affordable is fine) but i cant find one so far. What are my other options i knkw about the super mate dc6 about $35 and only charges 1 module at a time and im not sure it has all the essential or cool features of the 989 In 2018 what are the options competitor's, pros and cons of each Does anything come close to the 989 for a decent affordable price? Does anyone have a link for me to buy a 989 ? Thank you!
Are you looking to do them one at a time or all together? If looking to do them as one and save yourself some time, look into the Prolong equipment from Hybrid Automotive. That makes the time shorter and is easy once you have the harness installed. Good luck and keep us posted.