2016 Prius GPS/Navigation quit working suddenly

Discussion in 'Gen 4 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by GayleBTN, Jan 8, 2025 at 11:38 AM.

  1. GayleBTN

    GayleBTN New Member

    2016 Prius
    I know about the updates for Navigation system (I have updated the SD card previously) so that's not the issue. As I was on a trip recently, the display at the top of dashboard stopped working. JUST one screen though. I usually have it set so the compass shows, which tells the current speed limit and the road I'm on. That just stopped working once when I was switching between screens, so now it's blank. Trying to figure the issue out, I looked at the main display in the center of the dash, going to the home screen and it now says Unable to Read Map SD Data, Check Map SD, Consult local dealer. I KNOW at the time I read somewhere online (I thought it was here?) that the wiring harness for the GPS system is behind the glovebox and that could have come loose, so check that first. Unfortunately, I couldn't do that while on our trip and now I can't locate that thread/information anywhere. I've tried googling/YouTube for "connect loose GPS wiring behind glovebox in a Prius" and gotten NOWHERE. Anyone have a video/description of how to do this? This is my last resort before calling the dealer....ugh.