Been lurking for 2 years, took the plunge and decided to join. You people provide some high quality, money-saving, time-saving info for a lot of people. Thanks. I went to a local dealer to spy on the new 2012's because I'm obsessed with these machines. Noticed the wheels/covers are quite different from anything I've seen. Any insights on this?
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Yeah, the rims are now black with different style wheel covers for 2012. They look much better IMO, we saw them and posted about it last September after seeing them in SF at the PiP launch.
The black rims do look nice but I also think they did a much better job with the new wheel covers/black rims underneath. On a 2010/11 I would have most definitely taken off the wheel covers, but on a 12' I may actually leave em on... Until I lose one hitting a pothole around here!
I made the biggest stink before buying the 3rd gen Prius, wanting a fancy wheel option on lower trim models, now that I have one, I could not care less than I have 15" wheels with plastic covers. I pump up the tires and go
There aren't much options. The 2010-2012 Fives are still using the same 17" wheels. The lower trims use silver alloys for 2010-2011 and black alloys (same design) for 2012, but with different style wheel covers.
Had the back wheels off of my new 2012 last night to put on the mud flaps. The black is just paint or a coating on the outside facing part of the wheel. The backside is still silver. The hubcap retaining wire left scratches on the black but not down to the silver.
Cool! I was checking out a MY 12 Five yesterday at my local dealership and I like it a lot. The new front end and tail lights make it look very nice. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.