So this morning, I came out to my car and the moonroof was damaged. The vehicle has 155k miles and looking at the damage moonroof, I suspect it could be a Toyota defective moonroof glass or mechanism that caused this? It doesn’t look like there was any impact on the glass for it to crack like this. The most damage was from the side of the moonroof, I assume this is where the mechanism opens and closes for the moonroof. Has anyone had this issue before?
I’ve never had this issue with a Toyota but one day I was driving my dads Kia Optima (GOLDEN RULE: DONT BORROW THINGS CAUSE EVERYTIME YOU DO THEY BREAK) and doing 75 there was a huge explosion and dust (glass particles) this Kia was the SXL so it had the panoramic sun roof and I saw that the laminated glass came up and smashed the windshield of the truck behind me (Just my luck) Kia told me that it could have been the glass was under stress and when I hit a bump or maybe a change in temperature casued the implosion they fixed the car and the windshield for free it might be worth talking with your Toyota or actually emailing the company (they will respond) judging that this happened in February I’m sure you’ve already gotten it taken care of
We went through our insurance and costed us only 100$. If it wasn’t that cheap, I would definitely call Toyota about that.
Not as bad as my solar panel did break and that thing is crazy expensive I think dealer price is like 1800$. It was on a really hot summer days and then come cold rain so not sure if that was from the temperature change or something actually fell on it. Cost me like 350$ for used one and 100 for install if i remember correctly.