I seem to be getting a creaking noise (the same sound you get when you lean on the armrest) coming from the passenger side rear. It sounds like it is coming from the hatch, but I can't quite narrow it down. The creaking noise appears when I drive slowly over bumps. Anyone have any idea where it is coming from?
i have that from the right rear door area when the car changes elevation at an angle causing torsion on the chassis. no idea what's causing it. sounds like interior plastic surfaces rubbing together?
It's a plastic noise. Any suggestions on likely culprits and its exact location would be greatly appreciated. I fixed some creaking already. I am trying to hunt down the rest.
i haven't looked. if i had to guess, i'd say it's between the right side of the rear seat and the door, or rear hatch area. i would have to ride back there and listen while others drove.i just don't have the motivation.
Quick & easy suggestion. Fold the two rear seats down and make sure they're properly hinged in the up right position.
Check that the hatch cannot move when shut. There are pairs of plastic contact blocks at each side. The ones mounted on the car body can be moved slightly to adjust the fit. I adjusted mine on the weekend and the car seems to be much quieter. There is also likely to be adjustment available at the latch point.