1. JD Stone

    JD Stone New Member

    NH usa
    2011 Prius
    So I had an issue one cold morning (10°) went to start the car like normal. Car turned on as it should. Ag1 spun up and started the gas engine. All the sudden the car started jumping like it had a missfire. So I shut it down and tried again. Ag1 spun up and never made an attempt to grab the gas engine. Now I get a crankshaft sensor code due to the engine not turning over. But the P0A0f has me worried a bit. I'm wondering if I had an internal transmission malfunction. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I've since gotten the Dr. Prius app when I delete the codes and attempt to restart the car. I can move momentarily on electric before it gives up. Gas engine never attempts to be started. I have gotten a wratchet on the crankshafts and I can turn the engine over by hand and feels all normal. I'm wondering if there the failure is in whatever transfers the power from electric engine to gas engine. As far as not moving far I would assume that is cause my hybrid battery is run down. Or could all these issue be due to my battery itself. The battery voltage shown is when I move the car forward a couple feet. Can someone help me with where my issue lies and what I need to replace. I don't mind pulling the transmission. Thank you

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  2. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    Will your car ready Do you know what that means? If yes the minute you ready the car step on the gas did the engine just start No not the electric motor spinning the engine the engine running there is a difference your troubleshooting a generation 3 which is what your car is essentially for an engine failed to start so like any car what do you need to start fuel air and spark and at the right time most of the time the timing in the Prius or this engine doesn't really move unless something really bad has happened so fuel and spark and all that is pretty important generation 3 has a replaceable fuel pump high mileage might want to be looking and see if fuel is making it to the fuel rail like I say it's just a no start condition of a gas engine it's just like any other gas engine in a Corolla It's the same engine with a different head or different camshafts and valve timing but the same engine so maybe you have no fuel pump happening all of a sudden it is electric and all of that I see on one of your things and where you had maybe a misfire code so that would be a good time to be looking at your coils and look at the extensions with good glasses on or magnifying glasses and see if you see any places where voltage is blowing through the plastic extension hitting the metal of the valve cover It's a pretty easy thing to see actually looks like burn marks around the plastic won't necessarily be holes or anything But you can see where the plastic has been electrically compromised any of these things are going to cause you problem starting and poor running
  3. Mendel Leisk

    Mendel Leisk Senior Member

    Oct 17, 2010
    Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    2010 Prius
    What’s the miles? Has the EGR system ever been cleaned?
    You likely mean “MG1”, Motor Generator 1.
    #3 Mendel Leisk, Mar 6, 2025 at 9:00 AM
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2025 at 11:28 AM
  4. ChapmanF

    ChapmanF Senior Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Indiana, USA
    2010 Prius
    Assuming the symptoms as reported, there's really no other story. Because of the way the transmission is built, if MG1 spins then either the engine crankshaft turns, or the car moves, or both, or there is mechanical breakage. If you're sure (say from eyeballs watching the end of the crankshaft) that the crank sensor code is because the crank's not turning, and meanwhile you have the zoomy sound of MG1 spinning, that's pretty much the story right there.
  5. Grit

    Grit Senior Member

    Aug 22, 2017
    Wilkes Land
    2012 Prius
    The image shows your hv has 1.96% charge. You need at least 40% to turn I c e over. The two bad cells in red are not good news, the salty crew need new members and can certainly pay your membership fees in a heartbeat
  6. MAX2

    MAX2 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2024
    Third planet from the Sun
    2007 Prius
    Primary problem gasoline engine, misfires in cylinder 4. P0304.

    You did not deal with the first problem and created the second, discharged the high-voltage battery to its poor condition.

    First, you need to charge the high-voltage battery.

    Then deal with the engine.

    This could be a bad spark plug, a faulty ignition coil, faults in the fuel system, faults in the air tract to the engine, etc.

    The worst thing is if the engine head gasket has broken through, this can be detected by inspecting the cylinder well by the dripping drops of coolant on the cylinder walls.

    You should also check the coolant level and the condition of the oil in the engine.
    Grit likes this.
  7. LexCT200H

    LexCT200H New Member

    2013 Prius
    Hi @Mendel Leisk : I need some guidance. Please help! The car is 2013 Lexus CT200H with around 155K miles. I recently purchased it for around $4500 not knowing such severe issues. Hence, I will not be able to sell it at it's current state. I am willing to spend another couple thousand just to get it running and decide whether to keep it or sell it. I have recently already rebuilt Hybrid battery and is fine now. Currently issues are: car does not start, P0A0F, P3191, coolant in oil, and “Check Hybrid System”, I just wanted to get some pointers on what next DIY I can do to keep cost under $2K? I thought about head gasket sealant as my next option, but can't do that because engine does not run. Cleaning Mass flow, EGR etc could be next step, but again there looks to be head gasket issues since there is coolant in oil. Maybe head gasket replacement is the best option, although it involves too much work. What would you do if you were trying to fix the car? Please guide me a little. Thanks again for your help!
  8. Tombukt2

    Tombukt2 Senior Member

    Nov 29, 2020
    Durham NC
    2009 Prius
    So you have coolants in the oil then you know what you have going on. That has to be rectified in this engine it causes an imbalance in the systems and then you get massive rattling from the torque plate springs slamming together because of the bad misfiring because of the water sometimes it clears right up if you step through it when you initially boot the vehicle and some people get away with driving it for months like that You can't have it rattling it'll shake itself to death and put a hole in the side of the motor. So when your world the head and the timing cover is coming off that engine and then the Pistons are brought to the top of their holes and deck height is checked to make sure nothing is stretched or getting weird with the connecting rods If it is the blocks coming out next and then you're looking for an engine or something these open deck design engines I don't recommend you start trying to rebuild them It's a pretty expensive proposition. If you're blocked and deck height and everything check out great all you'll need is the timing set be foolish not to replace it while it's all the part Head gasket and if it was mine I would be sending the head out to a machine shop and have the valves ground and everything cleaned properly or buying a remanufactured head from any of the many remanufactured I think for the two Z is available for around $300 $350 your machine shop bill will be much higher than that so I would probably look into that even going this route to some like me this is expensive proposition for an engine that doesn't seemingly like to hold together like engines in the past that I've owned for many years so I just had to bow out the CT is a very pretty car it's unfortunate that these problems arise with this series of engine I wanted one too but after the persona 13 and the 2010 we knew that that should not be.