I am dealing with this EGR for a very long time, I took the EGR and I cleaned two three times I already changed the motor for the EGR and I also took the mass air flow sensor out clean it and put it back I don't know what to do I took to the mechanic two times, and it cleaned both times, and he told me to drive around and see if these coming back or not I drove almost to 300 miles and these codes are not going away I cannot pass the emission, so I cannot renew the tag
Using Techstream, or another scan tool with active tests, what happens at idle when you start advancing the valve opening one step at a time? What step can you get to before the idle becomes rough (if it ever does)? The repair manual gives some precautions for this test, like warming up to 75°C or higher, not playing with EGR openings above step 30 or for more than 10 seconds, and being sure to return it to step 0 when done. Are there any untold stories about the wiring to this valve? There were some threads where people did engine swaps and exchanged a couple pins at the EGR valve connector, which would make the valve not work. Any chance something like that could have happened?
I don't have Techstream, right now, I think I have to buy one now from eBay to test this out, I don't think engine was swapped on this one, also I checked the cables, nothing else I did so far test the EGR openings above
You’ve cleaned: EGR cooler, valve, pipe (between valve and intake manifold) and the intake manifold EGR passages? If no, I’d address what’s missed. If yes, try changing the valve. see first link in my signature too.
I did clean all that too, I just took the motor out, and I realized that I was missing the spring which goes inside the magnet cube, I reset my CEL and I will drive around to see if that EGR goes away now.
Putting the missing spring didn't do anything, so I got another EGR motor after putting that motor now EGR code is gone , but I still got p0102 and P0A80 codes left only these two out of 5
Googling, they point to MAF sensor and hybrid battery fan respectively. The MAF sensor does need to be disconnected when accessing EGR components; you’ve checked it’s connector? And the fan condition? maybe too: codes can persist for the next few start ups, then go away?? All I got.