I bought a used 2010 model and here's a pic of my rearview mirror. Please note the base of the mirror assembly and the location where it's attached to the windshield. Seems kinda low to me. Can other 2010 owners chime in if your mirror is attached at the same spot (or not)? Thanks!
I thought the same thing when I bought my 2010 Prius II. I just made sure to adjust it's little shaft as high as it would go and then tilt the mirror properly. The shaft is now basically pointing straight toward the back and the mirror is tilted normally for vision. Nexus 7 ? 4
I think mine is about the same, but looks different where it's attached. I think on mine it's a covered black part all the way up to the roof.... Maybe covering a wire because I have homelink and autodim? If it really bothers you, maybe there is a way to take it off a reattach it higher?
If it still bothers you just flip the mirror around 180D so that the day/night flip switch is on the top.
When I got mine, the mirror was really in the way. It was right in my normal line of sight and blocked my view of the road. I was really happy when I was able to move it up just by gripping firmly and moving the whole post. Nexus 7 ? 4
Thank you all for your responses. My mirror is just the basic model without all the bells and whistles. It's double-jointed and I've already made that adjustment. I will also try to flip it upside-down, as suggested. Otherwise, I may have to adjust my seat lower. I've noticed in other 2010 models that the mirror base is mounted higher up on the windshield, well within the black dotted area. I assumed that the mirror base should be mounted in the same location for all similar-year models.