I had an interesting thing happen yesterday. Hung up from a Bluetooth-connected phone call, and the entire NAV/radio became completely locked-up. Not only were the touch screen buttons unresponsive, but the "analog" radio volume dial was as well. This "lock-out" symptom has now happened in varying degrees several times now. Obviously I will take it to the dealer for diagnostics, but I am curious if any other owners in the group have experienced this phenomenon, and what the resulting diagnosis was. BTW: iPhone4 connected via Bluetooth 2010 Prius V
Yes, my Nav locks up occasionally as well. I found the only fix is to pull over, turn off the car and restart -effectively rebooting the system. Another reason to stay away from the factory Nav.
Hmmm... I've never experienced this, I wonder if it is unique to the V. I would think the Nav is the same in all models of the Prius, does the V have any unique options that integrate with the Nav?
19 months and have never had the NAV lock up on me. I use the Bluetooth phone quite frequently. Definitely take it to the dealer and have them check it out.
Parking assist is the only difference that I know of. Mine has never totally locked up, but it did lose my USB flash drive once, and that required a "reboot". I third the comment about taking it to the dealer, it shouldn't do that...
Only in the V with Adv Tech package. You can get into diagnostic screen to turn on rear view camera while in motion.
There's nothing unusual about a computer locking up every now and then, as many people will know from personal experience. Some are more robust to handle such things (like your ECU) either without locking up, or are able to reboot so quickly you probably don't even notice that they stopped running (I know some airliners have computers that are like that). It's not a common problem on the Nav; mine works just fine all the time, so there's something wrong with your particular unit, most likely. Take it in to the dealer and insist that they replace parts until it's fixed. It could be the DVD, or the memory or CPU within the Nav's computer (either of which would presumably require the dealer to replace the whole head unit), for starters.