Does anyone have the 2010 Nav CD skus? Right now, I still have the 2009 maps in my 2010, but would like a sku list to make sure if I buy a used 2011 or 2012 that I'm getting the correct one. Don't want to pay $179 for the 2013 ones. Thanks!
I am not sure what you mean by skus. Also the Nav GPS maps are DVD not CD. The 2010 Nav DVD is a Gen 6 version. So you will need a Nav DVD for a Gen 6 unit and then the calendar year that you are looking for. Your 2009 version will be a 9.1 version for a Gen 6 DVD. You can look at your 2009 and get the part number for it and then just substitute the 11.1 or 12.1 for the 2011 or 2012 version. The part number should include something like 11.1 Gen 6. The 2011 will be 11.1 and 2012 will be 12.1. The current version for 2013 is 13.1.
Ok, so another question then. I do notice some say "No USB". My 2010 does have a USB connector. So, what do I look for then? A lot of the gen6 listing on eBay do state 2010 Prius without USB. Thanks
The USB ones are for the new Entune units that came out in 2012. Your USB is for Audio use and is for songs on a memory stick, not for the DVD. The DVD is located behind the Nav screen. If you press the Close button on the left of the screen the screen will move forward and then rotate 90 degrees to expose both the CD and DVD units. To update the Nav GPS maps you simply remove the existing DVD and install the new DVD. The new updates will install automatically on boot up.