If I leave my trunk open for a little over a minute, my interior light fuse blows. I've tried removing my trunk light and this issue still exists. Does anyone have any idea why this is happening?
Have you tried shutting the trunk? What happens? If the same thing happens, the trunk power supply, may be shorting the interior light circuitry, leading to the fuse not being able to withstand the amperage draw. Also check if the fuse in there is the rated one Dxta
I assume that by “interior light fuse,” you mean the DOME fuse in the engine compartment, number 29 in the diagram on page 465 of the Owner’s Manual (PDF); I’m also assuming there are no aftermarket modifications to the electrical system on the car. As @Dxta kindly suggests, you might check that the correct fuse—10 amperes, red color—is installed in this position. The fuse has Toyota part numbers 90080-82051 or 90982-09021, but it won’t be marked with these numbers, just the rating 10. If the fuse blows after a delay, not immediately when you open the back door or do something else that might disturb a wire or connector, the most likely cause is an overload, as might happen if one or more lamps (light bulbs) of the wrong type were installed, rather than a true short circuit, which would tend to blow the fuse immediately, as shown by the time-current characteristic in the fuse data sheet (PDF). I’d suggest checking that all of the interior lamps on the car have the correct wattage, and no more, according to the table on page 567 of the Owner’s Manual. Consider that one of the other lights, which might not be set to come on when you open the other doors or might not normally operate for enough time to blow the fuse, could be the cause. The wattages and Toyota part numbers for the lamps are also listed in Figure 81-21, Interior Lamp, in Toyota’s parts catalog. If the fuse and all the lamps are correct, there are other possible trouble areas, like the Main Body ECU or a defective wiring harness or connector. The DOME fuse also supplies the Steering Sensor and the Inner Rear View Mirror Assembly, but I don’t think trouble with those components would be associated with the back door. You’ll find complete circuit information in the Electrical Wiring Diagram (EM1291U), available by subscription to techinfo.toyota.com.