My 07 Prius the windshield washer stopped working the other day. This is what I did. I check the fuse under that dashboard and both sides of the fuse have power, I checked the washer delivery hoses and they appear fine, disconnected the electric connections at the pump and there is power with the car on so I don't believe it is the switch (but I could be totally wrong about that) and finally I had someone in the car turn on the washer pump and I did not feel or hear the pump motors activate at the reservoir Front and back pumps are inoperative. This is my first Prius so I am unsure if these washer pumps fail a lot. Odd that both pumps are not working but I did not check the rear pump when I bought the car 6 weeks ago. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Ps. I saw replacement pumps on Amazon for about $12.00. ??? Thanks!