The 2007 Prius is losing 12v battery after parking overnight but it's only after I drive it. After my 17 year old daughter drives it, there's never a problem. I can't see any lights on or figure out what I'm doing differently. Apparently, I'm qualified to replace a head gasket or ICE but not to park the Prius. I don't know whether this is related but a couple of times recently on start up, I noticed the Red Triangle of Death but then I restarted and it went away. It's getting 43 mpg and has 210K total miles, although not sure of existing ICE or HV Battery age or miles.
Only thing your 12v battery does in a Prius is turn on the computers and throw some relays and then the 220v hyrbid battery takes over. So considering how little your 12v is needed, your 12v is close to dead. Put it on a charger overnight for starters... Also here's best price on a new one that will last 10 years:
Good to see that you haven't lost your ability to make wild assed assumptions. That might be a good battery but you have NO WAY to know how long it will last.
You probably aren't doing anything differently and it is just a coincidence. How old is the battery ? Maybe you could have her "check" it after you park it a time or two ? When a battery reaches the end of it's useful life, it will "self discharge" when not in use. In most cases, it really isn't charging up much and after a short trip is when the failure is noticed. Being 17, I assume that her trips are a LOT longer than yours ??
I too am guessing your daughter takes it on longer drives. I had similar experience after 11+ years on 12 V battery. With shorter drives it would be discharged the next day. But on longer drives it was fine the next day. I did not change the battery since I was planning to retire car anyway.
It really should be disclosed when anyone "recommends" a 12V battery that does not meet Toyota's specs for a battery vent tube, when installed inside the passenger cabin. This item does not mention having that vent tube outlet. While the risk of ignoring this venting may be quite low, within the risk tolerance of numerous folks, it is not zero. {donning flame suit again}
I should change the battery after 10+ years, once the battery is going bad, take your loss and replace it. Not sure what the prices are in your region, in NL a new 12v sets you back around €65... I see this as a minor investment and just needs to be done after all those years. Also check your alternator if it charges the 12v battery like it should... With an older battery it soon results in a broken one. A new battery can withstand a bad alternator but it's recommended to sort that out without damaging your new battery. Best regards, Nick Black 2007 Prius
A Prius just doesn't have a traditional alternator. 12V charging is driven from an inverter from the high voltage / traction battery.
But the charging voltage will be similar and should be checked EVERY time you change the battery or suspect a 12 V system problem.
Battery is about 3 years. Voltage was around 8v after it last died overnight, although it has also gone down to a couple volts. Measured 12.4v today after charging fully yesterday and removing charger. It can go several days but it seems when I park it, it may not start the following morning.
So after 80+ years of vehicle manufacturers putting 12v inside the cabin of a vehicle and no validly documented effort that venting is neccessary, everyone should listen to you and your made up fears that don't exist and that you can't reference in a meaningful way after more than a decade of asking you to do so... Got it!
Didn't know that . Learn something new about the Prius every day. Best regards, Nick Black 2007 Prius
Huh? Passenger cars with batteries inside the cabin have been exceedingly rare. The only common one I can think of was the (original) VW bug. Given the lack of safety features in that vehicle the added risk of a failed battery hardly moved the needle. And even VW eventually moved that battery out from under the rear seat and into the engine compartment - presumably for safety reasons.
The VW thing also has the battery in the passenger compartment, I know from when it ended up in my buddy's lap when I rolled that Thing back in '81. No injuries in that accident. Rear tire blowout in hard cornering. EDIT come to think of it that car was a bit much, also had a gasoline powered heater where the glove box was.
I think this woman would disagree, but she cant. She's dead. Car Battery Fumes Blamed in Freak Roadside Deaths of Mom and 3-Year-Old Daughter: Report | Inside Edition "The battery was not the original battery for the vehicle, [or] the correct battery and is believed to have malfunctioned,"
Yep. It's shot. Start shopping for a new one. What is the voltage while the charger is still connected and it indicates a full charge ? What is the voltage when the car is "running" "ready' mode ? If the car isn't charging it properly, a new one wont last very long either.
It didn't even have seat belts back then. In fact, almost nobody had seat belts back then. Safety standards have changed enormously since then, but he could use an identical argument to dispute the need for any or all safety improvements of the past half century. He has repeatedly challenged or disputed the Orange-Osceola Medical Examiner's Office's report on that tragedy. Apparently he holds his self-styled expertise as superior to that of the medical office. He also is falsely attributing Toyota's specs on this as being from me, not from Toyota. He has falsely stated that Toyota dropped that venting on the next Prius generation, Gen3, despite it clearly being shown and called out in NutzAboutBolts's battery change video in a YouTube Gen3 DIY series. He has yet to support his claim of getting hydrogen sulfide outgassing from a different battery chemistry that doesn't include sulfur as an active ingredient. And he has called a whole raft of people 'trolls' for fact checking or disputing numerous of his claims. This is someone whose "Ignore" list you want to get on, to avoid his frequent insults, abuse, and apparent anger management problems. (For examples he threw at just me, see long exchanges last August and October.) He previously promised that I was on it, but it must be broken now. That is why I made reference to donning the flame suit.