So I'm having the issue with my driver's side headlight that seems so popular with these models. The light goes out and a quick off/on flip gets it going again. (I assume it's the lights and not something else correct?) I'm looking to replace the bulbs but am not sure which type to get. Some threads say D4R some day D2R. The book at PepBoys had H4 listed. Which type are they? Do I need a H/L model or are the Prius' high beams controlled by a moving mirror? Also my driver's side rear red running light sometimes goes out too but if I tap on the plastic headlight cover it comes back on. Is this a bad bulb about to go out or a loose connection??
mrshow555, Beyond referring to the thread the previous poster recommended to you (which I did NOT look at, myself) & it may be one of the long & confusing ones, I'll impart this quick bit of knowledge to you. The D2R bulb is the HID bulb for only the 2004 & 2005 Priuses. The D4R bulb is the HID bulb for the 2006 thru 2009 Priuses. Do NOT get a D4S bulb for your Prius since that is for a projector type headlight on other kinds of cars. The Prius uses a reflector type headlight that uses the "R" suffix instead of the "S" suffix, so D4R for yours. The D2R & D4R bulbs can't be interchanged between the '04-'05 & the '06-'09 headlights because of the different ballasts/starters that are used. The bulbs have to be matched up with the proper ballasts to work & to swap the ballasts is an expensive proposition. If it weren't so expensive, I suspect we'd see more owners swapping them & going with the less troublesome D2R bulbs that the '04's & '05's use. I'm just guessing here, but I think the H4 bulb is just a halogen bulb for the non-HID equipped Priuses (the ones without the fog lights in the lower grill). Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
Do NOT get aftermarket bulbs. Get the Philips D4R bulb. It will save you headaches of changing it again. Only brand that will work correctly with the Prius. Know from experience in my 2007 and a friends 2007.
thought you might want to check this... I still have 2 sets of Philips D4R
I have the same situation in my 2007 and mine is HiD healight bulbs. what is the correct wattage or whatever I need to know. and also the original color if there is any option. I don't want to go brighter than the stock so I wont blind the driver on the other side. Thanks CCG
It is most likely the ballast that needs to be replaced as they become corroded from water over time. The HID bulb should be fine. You can order a cheap knockoff ballast from Ebay and it should work fine. They are fairly easy to replace without any special tools. If you want to stick with OEM, try to buy the ballast from the dealership or find one on ebay that looks like a genuine OEM. As for the bulb, buy them from Autozone or the dealership but don't buy them from ebay or Amazon because theyre most likely fake, as the same with sparkplugs.
This is not correct. The ballast rarely is the failure point, compared to the bulbs themselves. The OP's symptoms of being able to relight the bulb by cycling the power switch are indicative of the bulb reaching end of life. IIRC, the 2007 HID model used a Philips D4R at 4300k as OEM. I've purchased aftermarket bulbs from this website previously, and they are still running strong 5+ years later. D4R Bulb - Factory HID Xenon Series | Onyx Performance Lights (
Easiest way to narrow down whether you are dealing with a bulb or ballast problem is to switch the bulbs between the two sides of the car. If the problem follows the bulb, then it's a bulb problem. If the problem stay on the same side, then it's a ballast problem. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If I still need the ballast either I get only 1 original ($280 each) or replace them with a us made aftermarket or excellent OEM replacement. Getting be back to the HiD bulb, The dealer wants $120 each bulb... What about this one. Will it fit correctly as recommended and is it reliable? If so I'll replace both and put the old one as a backup. Thanks, CCG PHILIPS D4R 4300K XenEco OEM Replacement HID XENON bulbs 42406 35W DOT Germany Pack of 2 $106.59
The ballast IS the most common failure point on HID systems because of the way the ballast mounts to the headlight, in which water enters and corrodes it. Again, the HID bulb does not fail like a halogen bulb, but loses its brightness over time. There is no filament where it makes the light. Instead the part where it makes the light uses metal gases. I still have the original HID bulb on my 15 year old car that still works. This is also why you see many headlight condension problems on the older generation of Toyotas. Again, you should not buy from any online websites when if genuine products is must. Buy from either the dealership or from Autozone(for the HID bulb). That said, you can get by with the aftermarket stuff. You have to decide if you want to stick new socks into old shoes.