I just picked up my new prius yesterday and just love it!!! It had a full tank on delivery, and I have 135 miles on it and the tank is still full!!! I have been averaging 55 mpg. I live in SE Florida so I guess the climate helps. I got a driftwood pearl package 7
First 300 miles - Averaging 48 MPG I averaged between 47-49 MPG in the 05 Prius TRAC car I had for 4 months, so I guess I'm off to a good start with my 06! katwoman - post your location in your profile; it will help with future questions.
You are about to dip one bar! That is OK you are doing good, though I pray for a cold snap in Florida with temps in the mid 20's in Miami, but that has nothing to do with you. My nephew goes to school there and he thinks he is escaping Ohio. I will do what I can to freeze him out Muuhaaaaaa!
Walker1 I live in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Much of my weekday driving is slow and go commuting along I-595 (rarely above 60 MPH and mostly at 55-60 MPG on the Consumption screen) and some local streets, mixed with some weekend local and Expressway high-speed driving (mostly 65-75 MPH and at 40-45 MPG on the Consumption Screen). I try to avoid going above 70 MPH (a real MPG killer) and I occasionally use the Pulse and Glide method (see elsewhere) in my local driving. Also, I love blowing off the Luxury cars at traffic lights. So, generally speaking, I'm driving my 06 Prius like the MDX that I traded in that got 16MPG on premium gas. I've NEVER had a fill-up below 47 MPG and I've had one or two tanks in the low 50's when I was trying to be green (not worth the difference in MPG's). My suggestions: You've not yet mastered putting in the same quantity of fuel in each fill up; it's a real trick. With the 05 loaner I had for 4 months I put in exactly one gallon of gas after the first click-off. You could actually super fill the 05 tank with two gallons of fuel after the first click, which I did when I tanked up for Wilma, but that kills the emission filter and your MPG's, so I stopped doing that. However, there appears to be a real difference with the 06 fuel tank (which I'll report on to the Group after I've confirmed my observations with a few fill ups). Using slow speed on the gas pump, I took 10.9 gallons to the first click on my first fill up and I stopped right there. Getting a good fill up to the first click is unheard of with the pre-06 Prius, so they must have addressed the gas tank problem in the 06. Try to use the same gas station and the same fill up method each time you buy gas. You'll start seeing real consistency with both the displayed and calculated MPG's. Don't give up. In South Florida, we're blessed with no hills and warm weather, which is a real plus for high MPG's with Prius system. If you watch your speed and learn your best driving techniques from the Energy Monitor screen, you'll be approaching 50 MPG with every fill up. Finally, thanks for posting your location in your Profile (I wish everyone did). Now create a signature that includes your Prius year and Package # so you don't have to include this information in every post - Welcome to PriusChat!
I picked up my 2006 Prius last Tuesday (1/10) and have a little less than 1/2 tank left. I am still adapting my driving habits to maximize my MPG. Computer currently showing an average of 42.8 mpg for this first tank but each time I drive the MPG is increasing so the fuel economy is getting better.
Well, not just South Florida... ANyway, so far I'm averaging 45-47 mpg after about 3000 miles of driving. The majority of this has been interstate at speeds averaging around 80 mph. Speed does affect mileage, but less so that I thought, and at a much lower speed than I thought. From some very unscientific research, I found that above 65 mph, mileage does not vary that much, even up to 85 mph. At any of those speeds you can get around 45 mpg if you drive smoothly. Also, a head/tail wind can make a huge difference. GOing down from Tampa to Miami with a tailwind at around 80 mph I got 46 mpg. On the way back with a strong headwind I got only 42 mpg at the same speed. Anyway, I'll probably slow down a little, but not below the speed limit. I'm going to try that for a while and see how my mileage changes.
That's not true. On a recent trip to Tampa, I remember driving up a slight rise on I-75. What happened to your signature? Didn't you, or weren't you going to list all the modifications to your Silver? 06 package 7? Did you wind up getting the Port Installed leather?
Yes, you're right, from Tampa to Miami I got better mileage than from Miami back to Tampa. It was uphill all the way back. In Miami we were at 23 feet above sea level, and back home in Tampa we were at 43 feet. Tha 20 foot rise KILLED my mileage! My signature got erased somehow. I'll just post a link to the thread. The first post lists everything and what's installed and so on. The pictures and commentary follow later in the thread.
Walker1 Patience! I'll bet you never got a full fill up with your first tank. Give it a few tanks to master the fill up process and you'll be in the mid-40's in no time. The next step is your first 50MPG tank, followed by the big prize - your first 600 mile tank (but keep a gas can in the back). I'm going to stay at 35/33 psi for a while: the ride is much smoother. I'm getting around 47 MPG and I haven't even hit 500 miles yet. I noticed a steady increase in MPG's as the loaner I had for 4 months broke in and I mastered the driving techniques. Good Luck!
I got my 2006 Seaside Pearl #3 last week and have put about 170 miles on it in mixed driving. The weather been seasonably cold here in central Maine, and the temperature has usually been between 10 and 20 degrees F, which takes a bite out of MPG, I'm sure. Anyway, the computer shows an average of around 44 MPG so far, and I'm working on my technique.
Did you actually get 42.8 MPG like the computer said? I sure didn't. [snapback]191083[/snapback][/quote] I haven't filled my first tank yet. I will let you know my calculated but I don't know how full it was from the dealer. I will look at the average of my first few tanks before I draw any conclusions. I'm up to about 280 miles on my first tank and the MFD average is now 43.9.
We recieved our Prius on Thursday and after 170 or so miles, we are also a little over 44 mpg. The temperature range has mostly been in the 30s here in Chicago.
Walker1 Pen and paper; the cumulative mileage resets automatically every time you put more than 3-4 gallons of fuel in the Prius. I put around 6,900 miles on the 05 Prius TRAC loaner car I had and I stopped keeping track of my MPG's when I realized my driving style was 47-48 MPG all the time. Yeah, I got 45 MPG once when I hot footed it over to Naples and back on Alligator Alley at around 80 MPH, and I got around 51 MPG once when I was being really "Green", but I'm just a 47-48 MPG guy.