Hello all, new member here with a problem 2006 toyota prius- you're all probably familiar with this- the red light of doom, the yellow exclamation mark, check engine light, and the vsc. Car has 98,000 miles on it- bought it at a dealership with around 50,000 on it. Driven in socal, never in real extreme conditions, average 42mpg around town. Leaving work the other day, had just started raining, pulling out of the steep(ish) driveway and the tire felt like it slipped, where traction control would usually kick in, but instead, the whole dash lit up with the mentioned lights. Pulled over and checked fluids because that's all I could really do at the time and see that inverter coolant level was low, topped it up with coolant I had on hand (pink stuff) and got home- MPG seemed affected, but electric mode was engaging etc... Next day I take the 12v battery to get tested and the shop says it's at 60% so I get a new one and put it in. Car on, lights gone and seems to drive well but after a few miles the whole dash lights back up. The whole time, electric motor still engages like normal but mpg are reduced to around 36. Several days later I took it to a shop and had them read the codes- C1241 C1310 P3000 P0A80 They say it needs a new hybrid battery to the tune of approx $2500, and they did not notice any coolant leaks. Here I am wondering if anybody has had this combination of codes thrown on their gen2 Prius? I am hesitant to spend that much money on a repair if theres a chance that it could have other issues as well.
These codes point to a need for a new hybrid battery. Once that's done, you're good again. There probably wasn't a need to replace the 12v battery