I have the chance to buy a 2006 Prius for $800 with 139K miles on it, only thing is that it has the Red Triangle Hybrid battery error. I installed Torquo Pro on my phone and used the BlueTooth OBDll adapter. I posted a screenshot of the battery values. I did a lot of research and I'm very capable of pulling the battery and replacing the individual (bad) cells. I know people will say why bother putting a couple of new cells in and have a couple more go bad soon after but I'm willing to live with that for now. Just wondering how many people would and how many would not do this.
It's fine as long as you know what you are getting into. You're putting a bandaid on it. Expect to do it again and again. Getting a bit better at the job each time. Keep doing it until it isn't fun any longer. Don't be lazy and try to guess at correct tightness of fasteners. Spend $30 and get a proper inch pound torque wrench for the module and hv fasteners.
People do it all the time. Eric is correct. Always use Torque wrench’s. Heck it’s an 800 dollar car. Have some fun with it and learn some things. Just remember it’s not going to be as reliable as it would be with new batteries. Knowing that going in and saving all the money on gas will allow you to save up for a new pack. Gen II Prius Individual Battery Module Replacement | PriusChat
Thanks for the replies! That's kinda what I was thinking, for $800, put a about $200 or so for a couple of battery cells and drive it. It won't be a daily driver anyway, I figure I save money to buy a new battery later on.