Just as an FYI. If you are not an American, you cannot claim the clean vehicle tax back on your Prius you bought in 2005. I am a legal resident, but not a US Citizen paying all the taxes. But sadly I am not allowed to claim the federal deduction for driving a Prius. Feel free to join in on what you think of this - or not?
I'm not sure that's accurate... The language for Treasury and IRS Issues Guidance Regarding Hybrid and Lean Burn Vehicles specifically refers to "taxpayer". A "taxpayer" need not be a U.S. Citizen, I THINK you don't even have to be a resident, as long as you have US sourced taxable income, you have to file.... Furthermore, if you're a citizen of another country, THAT country might have the right to tax your US sourced income. Usually though, this is taken care of by whatever tax treaty the US might have with that country in order to avoid double taxation... h34r: Also, where did you get this information from? (part of my job is researching and working out international cross border taxation issues, I come across this type of thing all the time)
Seems a bit self-defeating...if the purpose of the tax deduction was to have cleaner air by encouraging people to buy Prius's, then what difference does it make if it is a citizen or a legal resident driving the car? -Roger