I've had some trouble lately with getting my 2003 Prius to start. When I turn the key in the ignition, nothing on the dash will light up and I'll hear a clicking noise that sounds like it's coming from behind the glovebox. After taking out the keys and then trying again for awhile, it'll start up - and once it's running, there are no issues while driving. I took it into the dealership a few weeks ago, thinking I just needed the 12V battery replaced. They told me the battery charge was fine (although it is the original, so will prob replace it soon) but they found that the oil had been overfilled and had gotten into the throttle. They cleaned it out, but the next week I'm experiencing the same problems. Just reaching out to see if anyone has experienced anything similar and what ended up being the problem/solution. I am less than confident that the dealership will find and fix this, since I dropped it off this morning at 9am and more than 7 hours later there's still no phone call... Thanks!
Most cold start problems are caused by the 12V battery. Original? You are overdue! Because the 12V battery is quite different from a normal cranking battery, dealership techs often have a hard time figuring out if it is good or not.
I would have gone with - replace the battery- your first thought. The battery could have been sufficiently charged on the way to the dealership for them not to catch it, you certainly got your money's worth out of it - the 12 volt battery.
Thanks so much for the input! I'll call in the morning and have the 12V replaced instead of wasting another day waiting for them to diagnose the problem. Hopefully that will resolve the issue : ) Thanks again for the response - I appreciate it!
I agree that the 12V battery should be replaced now, because it is original equipment and it would be good to rule that out as a cause for your no-start issues. Since you have already had the throttle body cleaned, if you replace the battery, then you will have accounted for ~95% of the reasons why the Classic Prius will experience no-start. I also suggest that you observe the maintenance schedule with regards to periodic replacement of the iridium spark plugs and the engine air filter, to help keep your engine in good condition.
The red triangle and check engine lights were on for almost a year. Been bringing the car to the dealer for regular maintenance and dealer could not diagnose the red lights. Feb. 8, it went dead. Fortunately it started again and brought it to the dealer. I was informed the first step would be to change the original auxiliary battery. Done. Still the red lights are on. I asked if the car will stop at any time and the answer was yes. The next step is an electrical inspection for $339. I love my Prius and the value is less than $2000. Should I repair?
Tiririt, Are you in NoCal or SoCal? Red Triangle for a year? wow, you like to push things huh? More likely than not you have killed your HV battery cells, pretty much they will tell you for $339. The reason I asked where you are there may be some members with the mini VCI that can help you out or you should buy it, they are cheap at $27 but you will need a old lap top or virtual windows program for your Mac. The more expensive $60 version will work with all windows