How do I deal with the snow during the winter? I was thinking of buying 2 studded general tires, mounted and balanced on 2 aluminum rims, and just putting them on the front the day before really bad weather during the winter. Should be no harder than putting on a spare, correct? Would the studs make it close to as good as an SUV during the winter?
Get a matched set of 4 winter tires, and you'll be set. AWD is ideal, but any FWD car with a good set of winter tires will be pretty solid. Is there a tradeoff for efficiency? Sure, buy that's what you get for living where it snows! SPH-L300 ?
Rear traction is actually more important while driving. That's what keeps you from oversteering and spinning out into the ditch. I thought the cost was easily justified by the safety and stability when I lived in a cold climate, had winter wheels/tires for all our cars. Watch craigslist for a used set, shouldn't be too pricey. Studded tires are great if they're legal where you live, but half the traction only does half the job. SPH-L300 ?
I no longer have it, but I was lucky to get my 2002 prius out of the driveway with 3+inches of snow due to the traction control being so sensitive. Now with my 2008, 6inches of snow? no problem. Same factory tires that came on the 2002.