Hello, I have a 2002 Prius with 130,000 miles, rebuilt traction battery installed 2 months ago (GreenTec Auto 24 mo. warranty), was running great until head gasket blew and melted the engine.... I don't want to spend the cash to rebuild or replace the engine, so I was wondering if anyone knows what the "parts car" value would be. I am located in Citrus County, Florida near Inverness. Thanks
Unfortunately it may not be worth much more than scrap value. There are many of these cars headed to the scrapyard, and plenty more on the way. People can often pick these cars up for under $1,000. Sometimes less than $500. Scrappers might give you a couple hundred bucks, but they may be expecting the battery to be in it. Greentec might buy back the battery as a core for a couple hundred bucks. Or you may be able to sell the battery separately to someone local if you remove it. Inverter may be sellable for a couple hundred.
Yeah. It is painful to see this. I've parted out some, but in the end, the parts never seem to be able to be sold. You can see a listing I put up on PriusChat a while ago and got no replies. If you find a true enthusiast, that's who will appreciate it. But still, whoever buys it is going to have to put a bunch of money in it to get it running. And definetly whoever buys it should read Bob Wilsons' tips on who should/should not buy a Gen 1 Prius.
Sure they are, but it is still a lot of work to put one in. jbfla 1300, Try contacting Tampa Hybrids. He posts allot here and has a small car lot close to you. Even he is moving away from the Gen I. They are going to be rare cars in a couple more years. Brad