Been lurking on the forms for little over a week now and decided to make a introduction post. 2017-10-28 18.29.53 by Diemaster posted Nov 11, 2017 at 8:07 PM Bought my Prime advanced on 10/28/17 with 19 miles on it. This is my first Prius and first hybrid. It's now at 640 exactly 2 weeks later and Im still on the first tank of gas with little less than 1/4 remaining. Getting 71.4 MPG with only one overnight plug-in charge on it just to try it out in the manual. Been driving in HV mode to get the ICE to run and break in the motor. Also ordered LEDs from superbrightleds for the reverse lights, a LED light kit from japan, and a carista. [See i have been reading the forums] First major problem was removing the stupid prop65 warning sticker the size of a postcard on the driver window. Tried to clean off the adhesive with goof off (of course I read after the fact it's not good for the softtex) and some got in the rubber seal causing the window to stick and mess up the auto up/down. This caused the MID to say the window was open when it was not. I had to take it back to the dealer 3 days after i bought it, and they replaced the seal. ....and then the 11.6 in screen rebooted when i changed from SAT to USB going to work. My last car was a 2014 KIA soul ! that got totaled in a less tan 20 MPH, no airbags deployed, rear passenger door crash. Anyway, they fixed a lot of stuff and added apple car-play and android auto in future firmware updates sold with the map updates. I really am hoping Toyota does the same type of thing. By the way, it took me 6 days to figure out how to get it to display filenames instead of the ID 3 tags as not everyone entire music collection is bought off of iTunes. So that's me in the pic. I hope this car lasts me 300K plus as my older Honda civics have.
Congratulations and welcome. Modern engines do not require breaking in. Some people here change fluids early to remove any remaining manufacturing debris.
congratulations! what a great color, i don't think i've seen it until now. what do they call it? all the best!