2 questions left: 1] Touring 2] Tires

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Ronald56, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. Ronald56

    Ronald56 Junior Member

    Jun 9, 2007
    Stony Brook, New York
    2007 Prius
    Touring: I am at the point to order the car. Whatever it is, I want package 6. My dealer tells me package 6 is not available here in the new york area in the Touring. Even if it is, I am hearing both good and bad things about the suspension being too hard. Any thoughts??

    Tires: I am also hearing that the basic tires are not that great. What is the tire of choice, how do you change to that without taking a bath, and is it worth the trouble in the first place?

    Thanks a lot. - Ron
  2. raincityboy

    raincityboy New Member

    Jun 10, 2007
    I just recently got my 07 touring, and my parents have had a "regular" 07 since Jan.. I let them drive mine, and they could not tell a difference in the suspension over a 30 mile drive.

    Reg the tires: I was told by all my local shops that there are no tires worth upgrading to for the touring model.
  3. interocitor

    interocitor Junior Member

    Mar 7, 2005
    OC California
    2010 Prius
    My '07 Touring is great. Yes, the ride is stiffer ... which is fine with me. Biggest difference is how it handles in windy conditions ... no more "drifting" ... feel is better on curves ... can't afford to switch to different tires at this time ... so will wait to switch when these wear out ... good luck and enjoy!
  4. Charles Suitt

    Charles Suitt Senior Member

    Oct 8, 2004
    Dallas TX
    2012 Prius
    <_< November '06, the Touring Edition was just beginning to arrive in North Texas. I had the opportunity to test drive both Standard and Touring in the 2007's, after having driven a 2004 Standard Prius for over two years.

    I preferred the Touring Edition, not just for the suspension but also for the 16" rims with Bridgestone Turanza tires, argueably better tires than the Goodyear Integreties on 15" rims on the Standard Edition. The Touring suspension is firmer, leans less on turns and the tires have a bit larger footprint (rubber on the road) offering potentially better brakeing at the expense of slightly higher rolling resistance and a slghtly lower MPG. After a few days of setting tire pressures at 40/38 psi (as I had run my 2004 Prius), I lowered them to approx. the Toyota-recommended 35/33 psi for a bit better ride.

    I also wanted the side airbags, HID headlights, leather seats, backup camera and other Touring features. At that time there was only $270 difference in the Standard and Touring given the same "Packages" - I thought the wheels and tires alone were worth that difference.

    Either "Edition" is great. You will most certainly enjoy your new Prius.

  5. desertbriez

    desertbriez New Member

    May 20, 2007
    lol..... i'm beginning to sound like winston in the extended warranty threads (or just call me the touring nazi-ette!)

    i've posted this in several other threads.... but here goes! (just ignore me if you've read my speel before!)

    i thought i wanted a touring because of all the hype here..... finally found a dealership who had a touring to drive.... we had already test driven a base.... we were also used to our plushy riding acura mdx....

    so we get to the dealership and drive the touring.... uhm.... ICK! i didn't say anything to hubby because i wanted to make sure we both made up our own mind..... i felt every stinking little bump in the road... NOT what is a nice ride IMO..... i want smooth.... not hard and jarring! i was actually concerned about even buying a prius if that's the way they were going to ride! then we took the non touring out... same route... world of difference in the ride... much smoother.... i didn't feel all the little bumps in the road this time (gee... i sound like the "princess and the pea" prius version) it was really no question which version we were getting once we'd test driven both back to back (i guess we are more plushy luxury car ride people versus stiffer sport car ride people!)

    that said.... i do really like the look of the touring wheels better... but i can always replace those eventually.....

    what it all boils down to is you HAVE to test drive both! don't buy the touring without driving it if you think you want the plushier ride!

    (charles... did you read my post? i think i need to add this to my signature! [​IMG])