Question the first: I've seen people on here talk about going 42 MPH in EV mode. It is my understanding that EV mode is only for the battery. I'm only able to go 10-11 MPH in it. Are people mistaking it for the ECO mode? Question the second: Doors are locked. I approach and the driver door unlocks for me. I grab my ipod and immediately close the door again. Do I need to lock the car when I leave?
EV mode can go that fast, but is subject to many limitations: battery SOC, temperature, power demand, etc. Usually EV cuts out at a much lower speed. Furthermore, it's important to understand that generally EV mode is an inefficient way to operate your Prius. Try to stay out of EV mode unless you understand why you want to use it. Yes, you need to lock your car when you leave, if you want it locked. Tom
I don't know as much as Tom (about Prius or the world around us), but let me try to expand and clarify his EV response. EV Mode in your 2010 goes up to 10 mph 'cold' or 25 mph 'warm'. Other conditions must also be met, such as no excessive current draw such as defrost, no heavy acceleration, etc. In Tom's Gen2, the limit on EV mode (if one added an EV button to the US model) was 34 mph, IIRC. EV is sometimes used in reference to 'stealth mode' which is not a button-selected mode, but just means the car is able to run without the ICE turning. Your 2010 can go up to 45 mph without the ICE turning. Above that, the ICE spins to avoid excessive rpm on MG1, although fuel may not be burned (if no fuel flow, that is 'warp-stealth'). In Tom's gen2, that limiting speed was 42 mph. Stealth mode is way more important than EV mode, because it allows you to glide up to 45 mph just by feathering the gas pedal down enough to remove regen on the HSI display. Going above 45 requires the ICE to spin, adding resistance, but still a good tool for high-speed gliding. If I have busted something, Tom can redirect.
Question 1: I think ksstathead has it right. Question 2: As Tom said, if you unlock the car and open a door you will need to relock it. If you unlock the car (using the fob or SKS) and do not open a door it will relock itself in 1 minute. I'm not sure it will relock itself if you open it with the mechanical key or not.
One further thought: Whether using EV mode or stealth operation, when the system pulls amps from the pack, it will later burn fuel so the ICE can restore about a 67% (roughly) state of charge. Due to conversion losses, this is normally a bad trade. Exceptions include using the pack prior to descending from the mountains where regen will more than fill the pack anyway. Or if you live at the top of a hill, you could pull it down when returning home, just enough that the next descent regen puts it back to normal. And of course the big exception: if you add a plug-in kit and get the pack energy from the grid. But in general, using the pack for propulsion is sub-optimal.
The car does not unlock the car when you approach the vehicle. It detect that you are close to the car using a radio frequency that detects the Keyfob is close. The distance is about 2 ½ feet from the door. Then it uses another sensor built into the door handle to unlock the door. The sensor detects the fluid in your body to unlock the door. It is called a capacitive sensor. It creates a small electrical field that changes when items like the fluid in your finger come close to the sensor. This is typical a couple of mm or a 1/16 of an inch from your finger to the sensor. Then the door opens. When you leave the car you can press the top of the door handle to lock the door. There is another capacitive sensor there.