I'm going to be taking two long trips in June - one for a 2,200 mile round trip, and the next for a 1,700 mile round trip. Any tips to prepare the Prius for these? Is there anything I should watch out for? Anything that this much driving will allow me to do better (change the oil at the end of the driving day, for example)?
The only think Prius related I can think of is: I have a Prolong grid charger, so I'd use that for a full reconditioning a week or two before the trip to try to maximize fuel economy with having the battery in as good of condition as I can. (No longer possible with the PiP, but would still do so if we took the wife's '07.) Generally: I like to have a fresh enough oil change that I won't need to change it during the trip if possible. Also check the filters and the fluid levels. Check the tires, including the spare. I have a little tool bag I take in case I have to attempt any repairs on the road. And I bring a tire plug kit and compressor. That's sometimes easier than changing the tire. I also make sure the maps are up to date on the Garmin, but that's not actually for the car per se. Hope you have a couple GREAT trips.
Gasoline is denser in the morning when it is cool, and will expand all day as it warms up. So fill up in the morning.
Check tire pressures (including spare) Check all your lights (any that seem like they might blow?) How close are you to the next service interval? If it's in June, might as well get the fresh oil in Check your cabin air filter (all those driving miles sitting in the car, you'll want to ensure you're getting fresh air) Check the engine air filter 12V battery in good condition? Depending on where you are driving, think about a tool kit just in case? If you're always near a major city or town, you might be ok without one
check your oil before you go and when you get there. I changed my oil before my trip and when i got back not a single drop on tbe dipstick.
Yow. That's like a pre-written PSA for checking the dipstick while the tank is filling when stopped for gas, just like the old driver-training instructors taught. -Chap