I recently purchased a 2010 with 234k miles. The vehicle came with a "new" battery from a wrecked Prius. We get the vehicle home, and after about 800 miles, the triangle of death comes up. I hook up Techstream, and it's the typical "replace HV battery pack" message. Well, fortunately, there is a 1 year warranty on the battery, and I'm able to warranty it out for another used pack. I then put approximately 800 miles on this 2nd pack, only to have the exact same issue. This time, I do more research with freeze frame and find out that block 11 is well below the other blocks in terms of voltage. I call to get the battery warrantied. The guy is friendly, but at this point he's beginning to suspect another issue is causing the packs to fail so quickly. My question to you all; what issues with the car could cause the HV pack to fail so quickly, and how could I diagnose them with Techstream? Or -- am I really just that unlucky to have two used HV packs fail after 800 miles each? P.S. Before anyone suggests the obvious; yes, I fully plan on simply buying a brand new HV OEM battery from Toyota once my year warranty runs up.
It's what I've been saying for a while. There are no longer enough modules in good enough condition to make re manufactured packs. The demand is high, the supply is low, and with a few hours of work you can take junk and polish it enough to sell and it will work for a while. If you value your time at $0/hr, then it can be economical. For example I know some retiree's that enjoy wrenching on cars, and if something isn't broken they're unhappy. But if you just want your car to work, then you need a new pack. You can do new Toyota or new NPB. Both are brand new packs.
what year wrecked prius, how many miles, and how long had it sat there? how much money are you going to sink into a 9 year old car with 240k? tech stream can tell you charging and discharging rates, temps and more. coupled with the service manual, you'll proxy find that the salvage battery was just bad to begin with. maybe not even what they claimed
The miles (of my car) to me are nearly meaningless. I really like the car, it’s in great shape, and I’d much rather spend a few grand here then bend over a log for a new car and all the depreciation that comes with it. That’s great feedback on the donor car, the seller had none of these details. And, Toaster, you offer a 3 year warranty, and I’m all over your pack!!