1st Tank of Gas!

Discussion in 'Newbie Forum' started by halleyscomet, Mar 15, 2008.

  1. halleyscomet

    halleyscomet New Member

    Feb 15, 2008
    Southwest PA
    2008 Prius
    I got 336 miles on my first tank of gas, before the last bar blinked. 40.3 mpg on the mfd. Took 9.33 gal to fill up.

    On my first 50 miles on second tank 49mpg so far, just hope to be better than last tank, weather is warming up too!! Will adjust tire air pressure this weekend....

    For all the newbies, what's your mpg at first???
  2. HardCase

    HardCase SilverPineMica, the green one

    Dec 15, 2007
    Kalispell, Montana
    2008 Prius
    I can't recall what my very first tank mileage was, but I took a trip of 2800 miles when my car was only a week old, and didn't reset the average mpg until finishing that, and I got 42.0 in that first 3000 miles. That was in late December/early January driving between western Montana and eastern Minnesota, so very cold. Temps varied quite a bit, between the 40s and the single digits. I'd say that mpgs in the low 40s is pretty typical, and if you're doing short trips that tends to pull the average down a bit. But yes, definitely, now that the weather is warming up things are getting better (in more ways than one!!) and my current tank is averaging almost 51mpg. My car has about 4500 miles on the odo at this point.