Hi all, I joined a few months ago when I was looking up how to replace my back axle. Yesterday posted a question in the gen 3 main forum about some trouble codes and a problem I had. Realized I never did an intro to the group. So , Hi group. Thank you for adding me. I was in a similar group for my Patriot and it really helped keep it on the road 250k miles. Already looking like the same type of great information here. thanks!
I bought a used one from b.parts dot com. ( best price I could find and free shipping also) and replaced it in my garage. Pretty straight forward. I meant to document it as I went, because there was very little info that I could find. I ended up getting carried away a next thing I knew I was just about finished. I had found a video on YouTube with someone replacing with a custom axle. A Prius they were making into more of a tuner type car with slanted rear wheels. But it was a really good video. And there was a post on here also that helped also. It’s a really straight forward replacement. Just have to be cautious with the brake lines and abs wires. Just a bit tricky removing and fitting in the new on. But that was probably because I was laying on the floor. Car was only about 2 feet off the ground.