John Here I Have A Prius Black 1999 Now Its yellow as of 2003 With 178754783.5941 KM Or 111,073,073 Miles In USA Terms. My 12V At 12.50V When On And Off At 14.49 I’m In Shijiazhuang China Here’s What The Code Say From My Mechanic. Any Ideas? I was 18 when I got the car back in 1999. It used as taxi car these days. But with COVID-19 now much people want to travel in China. P3125 (311) Converter & Inverter Assembly Malfunction P3000 (123) HV Battery Malfunction P3001 (129) HV Battery ECU Malfunction P3004 (132) High Voltage Power Resource Malfunction P3006 (123) Battery State-Of-Charge Are Uneven P3009 (611) High Voltage Power Short Circuit P3026 (123) Battery Block 16 Becomes Weak P0AFA (123) Hybrid Battery System Voltage Low C1259 (58 150) HV System Regenerative Malfunction C1310 (51 156) Malfunction In HV System
In short high voltage battery need to be replaced or repaired. 99 model does have prismatic cells or this is Japan only model with round cells?
Chinese miles are much shorter. You can see it sometimes when item from Aliexpress comes way too small.