I Have The Prius 2003 White With 300,049 Miles No Other Codes Where Found Besides 12V Codes. So My Toyota Dealership About 40 Minutes From Me In LeesBurg VA I’m In Charles Town WV Gave Me These Codes After I Got The Red Triangle Of Death. They Say It Is The 12V But I Want To Confirm It Is The 12V First. Any Ideas What The Problem Could Be If It Isn’t The 12V? I Had The Car Sit For 9 Days While I Was Out Of Town. C1215 C1241 C1242 21 Code For A/C 12V 10.50 OFF 11.00 ON BB1 15.15 BB2 15.15 BB3 15.13 BB4 15.10 BB5 15.09 BB6 15.06 BB7 15.11 BB8 15.17 BB9 15.18 BB10 15.17 BB11 15.20 BB12 15.05 BB13 15.20 BB14 15.08 BB15 15.09 BB16 15.15 BB17 15.13 BB18 15.07 BB19 14.99 RR1 0.20 RR2 0.20 RR3 0.20 RR4 0.20 RR5 0.20 RR6 0.20 RR7 0.20 RR8 0.20 RR9 0.20 RR10 0.20 RR11 0.20 RR12 0.20 RR13 0.20 RR14 0.20 RR15 0.20 RR16 0.20 RR17 0.20 RR18 0.20 RR19 0.20
Don't make this more complicated than it IS. While your car could have a LOT of things wrong with it given the age and mileage, it is highly likely that the shop conclusion is right. If the battery is over 5 years old, it should be replaced anyway before doing anything else. AND the 12 V battery is a relatively inexpensive thing to replace. Just do it.
The first thing I would do is just pull the 12V, put it on a charger, and then see what happens. If you don't own a charger, look for a local place that specializes in batteries and take it to them for testing/charging.
Not necessary to "pull" the battery to charge it. Unless the car can't be located close to a 120 V outlet.
Absolutely true. Just my preference. I charge low and slow (whenever I can) and don't want my trunk hanging open the whole time or to close my charger cables in the trunk lid.