Hi all, So I just got a car fridge with adapters for both car and house. When I car, I’ll be hooking it into the 12v aux. from some of the vids I’ve seen on YouTube, it seems my 2011 Prius has a limit of 10 amps on the 12v aux; my fridge only provided 60 Watts as far as spec goes do that means my fridge draws 5 amps; is this right? Does this mean, if I have multiple other devices in total exceed 5 amps, will this blow the 12v aux fuse? Incidentally, are the two 12v aux port underneath center dash and in center console underneath arm rest in tge same circuit? Just trying to prevent blowing a fuse? Thx!
You could just use a 12 volt power sports power adapter get them at Walmart for 6 bucks put the one side on the battery and wire up some sort of a connection on the refrigerator cord side and then you could set the fridge in the back or wherever and the cord just drops right down the battery well.
Seconding this. As the fridge gets older, assuming it has a pump, it may draw more current (talking years here) and start to become a problem. I'd run it's own circuit personally, just to stay on the safe side.
Try it and see. Fuses are cheap. Then.....didn't you ask for advice in an earlier thread about refrigeration in your car ? How do you plan to keep from drawing the 12 V battery down when the car is not running ??